Bosnia and Herzegovina Postal Code

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA) Geographical Metadata


ISO Alpha-3: BIH
Continent ISO: EU
FIPS Code: BK00
NUTS Code:
Phone Code: +387
TLD: .ba
Latitude: 44.1690000
Longitude: 17.7830000
Territory Of:
Capital: Sarajevo
Capital TimeZone: Europe/Belgrade
Language(s): Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian
Language Code(s): bs, sr, hr
Spoken Language(s): Bosnian (official), Croatian (official), Serbian (official)
Area (KM²): 51129.00
Currency ISO: BAM
Currency Name: Marka
Currency Full Name: Convertible Marks
Local Currency Name: Marka
Currency Symbol: K
Post Code Denomination: Poštanski Broj
Post Code Format: 99999
Post Code Regex: ^(d{5})$

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