Brazil Postal Code

Brazil (BR) Geographical Metadata

South America

ISO Alpha-3: BRA
Continent ISO: SA
FIPS Code: BR00
NUTS Code:
Phone Code: +55
TLD: .br
Latitude: -10.8080000
Longitude: -52.9750000
Territory Of:
Capital: Brasilia
Capital TimeZone: America/Sao_Paulo
Language(s): Portuguese
Language Code(s): pt
Spoken Language(s): Portuguese (official and most widely spoken language)
Area (KM²): 8511965.00
Currency ISO: BRL
Currency Name: Real
Currency Full Name: Brazilian Real
Local Currency Name: Real
Currency Symbol: R
Post Code Denomination: CEP
Post Code Format: 99999-999
Post Code Regex: ^[0-9]{5}-[0-9]{3}$

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