Gibraltar Postcode

Gibraltar (GI) Geographical Metadata


ISO Alpha-3: GIB
Continent ISO: EU
FIPS Code: GI00
Phone Code: +350
TLD: .gi
Latitude: 36.1360000
Longitude: -5.3490000
Territory Of: GB
Capital: Gibraltar
Capital TimeZone: Europe/Gibraltar
Language(s): English
Language Code(s): en
Spoken Language(s): English (used in schools and for official purposes), Spanish, Italian, Portuguese
Area (KM²): 7.00
Currency ISO: GIP
Currency Name: Pound
Currency Full Name: Gibraltar Pound
Local Currency Name: Pound
Currency Symbol: £
Post Code Denomination: Postcode
Post Code Format: AA99 9AA
Post Code Regex: ^(GX11 1AA)$
Admin Regions: 1
Region Names: Territory

Gibraltar has 1 administrative regions, namely Territory.

We have on record 1 Territory.

There are a total of 6 postal codes in Gibraltar.

Click on the Territory in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Gibraltar.

Territory Latitude Longitude
Gibraltar 36.151179 -5.347430

Gibraltar Postal Code System

Gibraltar, a British Overseas Territory located at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula, has a strategic geographic position and a thriving economy centered around finance, shipping, and tourism. The postal system in Gibraltar is efficient and reliable, providing essential services for residents, businesses, and visitors.

Unlike many other regions, Gibraltar uses a simple postal system without an extensive range of postal codes, as its compact size makes detailed codes unnecessary for effective mail delivery.

Overview of Gibraltar’s Postal System

The postal services in Gibraltar are managed by the Royal Gibraltar Post Office (RGPO), one of the oldest postal services in the world. The system ensures efficient delivery across Gibraltar’s small territory and seamless international mail exchange.

Key Features of Gibraltar’s Postal System

  1. Limited Postal Code Usage: Gibraltar employs a single postal code for most addresses: GX11 1AA.
  2. Compact Coverage: The postal system serves the entire territory, which is only 6.7 square kilometers.
  3. Integration with the UK System: As a British Overseas Territory, Gibraltar’s postal services are aligned with Royal Mail for international logistics.

Postal Code Structure in Gibraltar

Gibraltar’s postal code is simple and uniform, primarily used for international mail and official documentation. The code GX11 1AA is applied universally across the territory.

Example of a Postal Code

GX11 1AA – The postal code for all locations within Gibraltar.

How to Format Addresses in Gibraltar

A properly formatted address in Gibraltar includes the recipient’s name, building name or number, street name, postal code (if required), and the country name.

Type of Address Example
Residential Address Name: John Smith
Street: 5 Main Street
Postal Code: GX11 1AA
Country: Gibraltar
Business Address Name: Gibraltar Financial Services Ltd
Building: Atlantic Suites
Postal Code: GX11 1AA
Country: Gibraltar
P.O. Box Address Name: Sarah Perez
P.O. Box: 123
Postal Code: GX11 1AA
Country: Gibraltar

Significance of Gibraltar’s Postal Code System

Despite the simplicity of its postal system, Gibraltar’s compact and efficient setup provides numerous benefits:

  1. Streamlined Mail Delivery: The use of a single postal code ensures no confusion in mail sorting or delivery.
  2. Support for E-Commerce: Facilitates the growing trend of online shopping and international parcel deliveries.
  3. Integration with Global Networks: Seamlessly connects Gibraltar to international logistics through the UK system.
  4. Ease of Use: Simplified addressing eliminates the complexity of multiple postal codes.

Challenges in Gibraltar’s Postal System

Gibraltar’s postal system, while effective, faces some unique challenges due to its geographical and economic environment:

  1. High Mail Volume: The territory’s position as a financial hub increases demand for international mail services.
  2. Limited Space for Infrastructure: Expansion of postal facilities is constrained by Gibraltar’s small land area.
  3. Dependence on External Networks: As part of the UK postal network, delays in the UK can affect international deliveries.

E-Commerce and Postal Services

E-commerce is increasingly popular in Gibraltar, with residents frequently ordering goods from the UK and Europe. The Royal Gibraltar Post Office has adapted its services to meet these demands.

How the Postal System Supports E-Commerce

  1. Parcel Tracking: Provides tracking services for incoming and outgoing parcels.
  2. Fast Delivery Times: Partners with Royal Mail and private couriers to ensure prompt international delivery.
  3. Customs Integration: Streamlines the processing of goods entering Gibraltar.

Statistics About Gibraltar’s Postal System

  1. Population Served: Approximately 34,000 residents.
  2. Postal Code Coverage: GX11 1AA applies to the entire territory.
  3. Mail Volume: Handles thousands of letters and parcels annually.
  4. Post Office Locations: Multiple post offices within the compact territory.

Future of Gibraltar’s Postal System

The Royal Gibraltar Post Office is committed to modernization and adapting to growing demands:

  1. Digital Transformation: Enhancing online tools for parcel tracking and postal payments.
  2. Sustainability Initiatives: Adopting eco-friendly practices, such as electric delivery vehicles.
  3. Infrastructure Optimization: Improving facilities within the space constraints of Gibraltar.


Gibraltar’s postal system, though simple, is highly effective, reflecting the territory’s compact size and unique position as a global financial and shipping hub. The use of a single postal code ensures streamlined mail delivery while supporting international logistics and the growing e-commerce sector.

As Gibraltar continues to innovate and adapt, its postal system remains a vital component of its infrastructure, connecting the territory to the rest of the world and supporting its residents and businesses.

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