Latvia Postal Code

Latvia (LV) Geographical Metadata


ISO Alpha-3: LVA
Continent ISO: EU
FIPS Code: LG00
Phone Code: +371
TLD: .lv
Latitude: 56.8690000
Longitude: 24.8410000
Capital: Riga
Capital TimeZone: Europe/Riga
Language(s): Latvian
Language Code(s): lv
Spoken Language(s): Latvian (official) 56.3%, Russian 33.8%, other 0.6% (includes Polish, Ukrainian, and Belarusian), unspecified 9.4% (2011 est.)
Area (KM²): 64589.00
Currency ISO: EUR
Currency Name: Euro
Currency Full Name: Latvian Lats
Local Currency Name: Lats
Currency Symbol: L
Post Code Denomination: Pasta Indekss
Post Code Format: AA-9999
Post Code Regex: ^[L]{1}[V]{1}[-]([0-9]){4}$
Admin Regions: 2
Region Names: Municipality, City

Latvia has 2 administrative regions, namely Municipality, City.

We have on record 181 Municipality, 583 City.

There are a total of 93701 postal codes in Latvia.

Click on the Municipality in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Latvia.

Municipality Latitude Longitude
Aglonas 56.123005 27.009423
Ainaži 57.863939 24.360089
Aizkraukle 56.604390 25.255510
Aizkraukles 56.625450 25.084929
Aizpute 56.724260 21.606539
Aizputes 56.803701 21.502539
Aknīste 56.162149 25.747749
Aknīstes 56.162149 25.747749
Aloja 57.768529 24.880849
Alojas 57.758401 25.039099
Alsungas 56.979750 21.636900
Alūksne 57.432670 27.022867
Alūksnes 57.372212 26.676142
Amatas 57.218853 25.240560
Ape 57.539799 26.693039
Apes 57.539799 26.693039
Auce 56.461039 22.901119
Auces 56.484169 23.069965
Babītes 56.918584 23.627334
Baldone 56.738460 24.381327
Baldones 56.738460 24.381327
Baloži 56.876820 24.121829
Baltinavas 56.919049 27.600860
Balvi 57.129869 27.263870
Balvu 56.845119 27.291563
Bauska 56.404280 24.193799
Bauskas 56.424622 24.075435
Beverīnas 57.502161 25.391944
Brocēni 56.682389 22.566610
Brocēnu 56.773003 22.538615
Burtnieku 57.694876 25.276450
Carnikavas 57.130420 24.271010
Cesvaine 56.966360 26.305260
Cesvaines 56.997338 26.313208
Ciblas 56.515977 28.023032
Cēsis 57.211705 25.305252
Cēsu 57.274175 25.326938
Dagda 56.092102 27.574615
Dagdas 56.111737 27.944930
Daugavpils 56.943500 24.121900
Dobele 56.686609 23.209117
Dobeles 56.691002 23.441242
Dundagas 57.742444 22.588184
Durbe 56.588099 21.370490
Durbes 56.556519 21.262195
Engures 56.977130 23.461740
Garkalnes 57.072369 24.327079
Grobiņa 56.556519 21.262195
Grobiņas 56.496245 21.093411
Gulbene 57.174579 26.756589
Gulbenes 57.279987 26.578543
Iecavas 56.485136 24.347135
Ikšķile 56.834142 24.515229
Ikšķiles 56.878000 24.570430
Ilūkste 56.011276 26.299795
Ilūkstes 56.052682 26.292093
Inčukalna 57.091670 24.471389
Jaunjelgava 56.617710 25.083359
Jaunjelgavas 56.617710 25.083359
Jaunpiebalgas 57.143273 25.987465
Jaunpils 56.745498 23.065939
Jelgava 56.661020 23.672899
Jelgavas 56.661020 23.672899
Jēkabpils 56.500889 25.806829
Jūrmala 56.964170 23.756039
Kandava 57.041330 22.772999
Kandavas 57.041330 22.772999
Kocēnu 57.521010 25.365579
Kokneses 56.652329 25.392772
Krimuldas 57.134340 24.679452
Krustpils 56.498869 25.857250
Krāslava 55.891780 27.123196
Krāslavas 55.871340 26.981776
Kuldīga 56.943995 22.003242
Kuldīgas 56.880770 22.075353
Kārsava 56.833308 27.809665
Kārsavas 56.833308 27.809665
Lielvārde 56.752147 24.779733
Lielvārdes 56.642992 24.917584
Liepāja 56.542470 21.054909
Limbaži 57.527810 24.657489
Limbažu 57.651500 24.493984
Lubāna 56.913110 26.796980
Lubānas 56.827107 26.613157
Ludza 56.478579 27.797372
Ludzas 56.543380 27.938593
Līgatne 57.246029 25.050080
Līgatnes 57.218853 25.240560
Līvāni 56.389969 26.185054
Līvānu 56.464132 26.270482
Madona 56.839121 26.185519
Madonas 56.647453 25.943131
Mazsalaca 57.886890 25.025580
Mazsalacas 57.949840 25.008523
Mālpils 57.035530 24.942060
Mārupes 56.943500 24.121900
Mērsraga 57.327979 23.017340
Naukšēnu 57.954248 25.342908
Neretas 56.366714 25.021049
Nīcas 56.496245 21.093411
Ogre 56.769696 24.649143
Ogres 56.769696 24.649143
Olaine 56.792900 23.924240
Olaines 56.875459 23.938639
Ozolnieku 56.681299 23.839634
Piltene 57.311190 21.658972
Preiļi 56.245073 26.744696
Preiļu 56.141065 26.669320
Priekule 56.480327 21.726115
Priekules 56.379002 21.425377
Priekuļu 57.351082 25.330028
Pārgaujas 57.351082 25.330028
Pāvilosta 56.807934 21.226103
Pāvilostas 56.807934 21.226103
Pļaviņas 56.655319 25.786967
Pļaviņu 56.599418 25.514848
Raunas 57.331693 25.610034
Riebiņu 56.455338 26.471094
Rojas 57.327979 23.017340
Ropažu 57.091670 24.471389
Rucavas 56.223747 21.101856
Rugāju 56.908490 27.078420
Rundāles 56.485706 24.034977
Rēzekne 56.509950 27.332899
Rēzeknes 56.660730 26.915721
Rīga 56.956299 24.124659
Rūjiena 57.902286 25.358378
Rūjienas 57.961773 25.232520
Sabile 57.029837 22.522848
Salacgrīva 57.673989 24.400870
Salacgrīvas 57.863939 24.360089
Salas 56.500889 25.806829
Salaspils 56.868425 24.424249
Saldus 56.614213 22.071859
Saulkrasti 57.237855 24.454792
Saulkrastu 57.312151 24.417178
Seda 57.691450 25.767939
Sigulda 57.254640 24.880870
Siguldas 57.254640 24.880870
Skrunda 56.612879 21.948057
Skrundas 56.780835 21.993553
Skrīveru 56.625450 25.084929
Smiltene 57.416115 25.846800
Smiltenes 57.490189 25.987876
Staicele 57.838450 24.734700
Stende 57.152852 22.524147
Stopiņu 56.944150 24.246230
Strenči 57.628489 25.833259
Strenču 57.628489 25.833259
Subate 55.965861 26.083017
Sējas 57.237855 24.454792
Talsi 57.231560 22.613600
Talsu 57.251430 23.036038
Tukuma 57.201866 23.203910
Tukums 56.951152 23.109762
Tērvetes 56.406850 23.337876
Vaiņodes 56.490293 21.916572
Valdemārpils 57.381115 22.571477
Valka 57.791709 26.001183
Valkas 57.579744 25.950290
Valmiera 57.518819 25.450630
Vangaži 57.091670 24.471389
Varakļāni 56.626989 26.722979
Varakļānu 56.626989 26.722979
Vecpiebalgas 57.191503 25.677573
Vecumnieku 56.345384 24.447839
Ventspils 57.399639 21.612629
Viesīte 56.216079 25.579879
Viesītes 56.308387 25.414499
Viļaka 57.212875 27.719288
Viļakas 57.035212 27.725889
Viļāni 56.493423 26.925678
Viļānu 56.660730 26.915721
Vārkavas 56.389969 26.185054
Zilupe 56.378940 28.068300
Zilupes 56.378940 28.068300
Ādažu 57.130420 24.271010
Ērgļu 56.816310 25.558667
Ķeguma 56.744399 24.725049
Ķegums 56.744399 24.725049
Ķekavas 56.850676 24.195782

Latvia Postal Code System: A Comprehensive Guide

Latvia, a Baltic nation in Northern Europe, is known for its rich history, vibrant culture, and modern advancements. To support efficient mail delivery and meet the logistical needs of its residents and businesses, Latvia has established a well-organized postal code system. Managed by Latvijas Pasts, the national postal service, Latvia\'s postal code system ensures precise mail sorting and timely deliveries across the country\'s diverse regions. This guide provides an in-depth overview of Latvia’s postal code system, its structure, significance, addressing formats, regional breakdown, challenges, and future developments.

Overview of Latvia’s Postal System

Latvia’s postal services are administered by Latvijas Pasts, the state-owned postal company responsible for handling domestic and international mail, parcel services, and financial transactions. The postal system plays a crucial role in connecting urban centers with rural areas, supporting both personal communication and commercial logistics.

Key Features of Latvia’s Postal System:

  1. Five-Digit Postal Codes: Utilizes a standardized five-digit format for precise mail sorting and delivery.
  2. Comprehensive Coverage: Extends to all regions, including remote and rural areas.
  3. E-Commerce Integration: Supports the growing online shopping industry with reliable parcel delivery services.
  4. Global Connectivity: Aligns with international postal standards, ensuring seamless cross-border mail handling.
  5. Digital Modernization: Incorporates online tracking systems and digital services to enhance user experience.

Structure of Latvia’s Postal Code System

Latvia employs a five-digit numeric postal code system, introduced in 1995 to improve mail delivery efficiency and accuracy. Each postal code uniquely identifies a specific geographic area, facilitating effective mail sorting and distribution.

Format of Latvian Postal Codes:

  • First Two Digits: Represent the broader administrative region or city.
  • Last Three Digits: Specify the exact locality, such as a neighborhood, street, or individual building.

Examples of Latvian Postal Codes:

  • LV-1010: Riga, Central District
  • LV-2201: Jelgava, Northern Suburb
  • LV-3901: Daugavpils, City Center
  • LV-4601: Liep?ja, Main Area
  • LV-5601: Ventspils, Harbor Area

Importance of Postal Codes in Latvia

The postal code system in Latvia is fundamental to the efficiency and reliability of its postal services. Its significance extends beyond mail delivery, impacting various sectors and services.

  1. Efficient Mail Sorting and Delivery:
    • Precision: Five-digit codes allow for accurate mail sorting, ensuring swift and correct deliveries.
    • Automation: Facilitates the use of automated sorting machines, reducing human error and increasing processing speed.
  2. E-Commerce Logistics:
    • Reliable Parcel Delivery: Supports the rapid growth of online shopping by enabling precise and timely parcel deliveries.
    • Customer Satisfaction: Enhances the customer experience by minimizing delivery delays and misdeliveries.
  3. Urban and Rural Accessibility:
    • Comprehensive Coverage: Ensures that both densely populated urban areas and remote rural regions receive consistent postal services.
    • Infrastructure Support: Aids in the efficient distribution of goods and services across varied terrains.
  4. Administrative and Emergency Services:
    • Urban Planning: Assists government agencies in urban development and resource allocation.
    • Emergency Response: Facilitates accurate location identification during emergencies, aiding in swift response efforts.
  5. Global Compatibility:
    • International Standards: Aligns with global postal systems, ensuring smooth international mail exchanges.
    • Business Operations: Supports multinational businesses operating in Latvia with reliable logistics and communication.

Addressing in Latvia

Proper addressing is essential for ensuring efficient mail delivery in Latvia. Latvian addresses follow a hierarchical structure, starting from the recipient’s name to the smallest geographical unit.

Address Formatting Guide:

Address Type Details
Urban Address Recipient Name
Street Name, Building Number, Apartment Number
Postal Code and City
Rural Address Recipient Name
House or Farm Name
Street or Road Name
Postal Code and Village
P.O. Box Address Recipient Name
P.O. Box Number
Post Office Name
Postal Code and City

Examples of Address Formats in Latvia:

Urban Address Example:

J?nis B?rzi?š
Br?v?bas iela 12, Apt. 5
LV-1010 Riga

Rural Address Example:

Anna Kalni?a
D?rza m?ja 3
Liel? iela
LV-2201 Jelgava

P.O. Box Address Example:

P?teris Ozols
P.O. Box 456
LV-3901 Daugavpils

Note: For international mail, addresses may also be written in English to ensure clarity and facilitate processing by foreign postal services.

Breakdown of Postal Code Regions in Latvia

Latvia’s postal codes are systematically organized to reflect the country’s geographic and administrative divisions. Below is a breakdown of key regions and their corresponding postal code prefixes.

1. Riga (LV-10XXX to LV-99XXX)

  • Highlights: The capital city, central to Latvia’s economy, culture, and administration.
  • Examples:
    • LV-1010: Central District, Riga
    • LV-1041: Kalnciema Quarter, Riga
    • LV-1058: ?genskalns, Riga

2. Jelgava (LV-22XXX)

  • Highlights: An important cultural and economic center in the southern part of Latvia.
  • Examples:
    • LV-2201: Northern Suburb, Jelgava
    • LV-2209: Busnagi, Jelgava

3. Daugavpils (LV-39XXX)

  • Highlights: Latvia’s second-largest city, known for its industrial base and historical significance.
  • Examples:
    • LV-3901: City Center, Daugavpils
    • LV-3904: Ozolnieki, Daugavpils

4. Liep?ja (LV-46XXX)

  • Highlights: A major port city on the western coast, vital for maritime trade.
  • Examples:
    • LV-4601: Harbor Area, Liep?ja
    • LV-4609: Mežciems, Liep?ja

5. Ventspils (LV-56XXX)

  • Highlights: Known for its port, one of the busiest in the Baltic Sea region.
  • Examples:
    • LV-5601: City Center, Ventspils
    • LV-5604: J?rmalas, Ventspils

6. Other Major Cities and Regions

  • Examples:
    • LV-5101: R?zekne, R?zekne
    • LV-6310: J?rmala, J?rmala
    • LV-7001: Valmiera, Valmiera

Challenges in Latvia’s Postal System

While Latvia’s postal system is efficient, it faces several challenges that need to be addressed to maintain and enhance its reliability.

  1. Urban Congestion:
    • Impact: High population density in cities like Riga can lead to increased mail volume and logistical strain.
    • Solution: Expanding sorting facilities and optimizing delivery routes to manage high volumes efficiently.
  2. Rural Accessibility:
    • Impact: Delivering mail to remote and mountainous regions can be challenging due to limited infrastructure.
    • Solution: Investing in transportation infrastructure and utilizing alternative delivery methods such as drones or automated vehicles.
  3. E-Commerce Growth:
    • Impact: The surge in online shopping has exponentially increased parcel volumes, requiring scalable logistics solutions.
    • Solution: Enhancing automated sorting systems and expanding parcel delivery networks to handle the growing demand.
  4. Address Standardization:
    • Impact: Inconsistent or incomplete addresses can lead to sorting errors and delivery delays.
    • Solution: Promoting the use of standardized addressing practices and educating the public on the importance of accurate addressing.
  5. Technological Integration:
    • Impact: Integrating new technologies with existing systems can be complex and resource-intensive.
    • Solution: Continuous investment in digital infrastructure and training postal workers to utilize new technologies effectively.
  6. Environmental Sustainability:
    • Impact: The postal system’s carbon footprint due to transportation and packaging materials.
    • Solution: Transitioning to electric delivery vehicles, promoting recyclable packaging, and adopting eco-friendly practices across operations.

Recent Developments in Latvia’s Postal System

Latvijas Pasts has been actively modernizing its services to keep pace with technological advancements and evolving customer needs. Recent developments include:

  1. Digital Transformation:
    • Online Tracking: Enhanced tracking systems provide customers with real-time updates on their mail and parcels.
    • Mobile Applications: Introduction of mobile apps for easier access to postal services, including P.O. box management and package scheduling.
  2. E-Commerce Integration:
    • Partnerships: Collaborations with major online retailers to streamline logistics and improve delivery efficiency.
    • Parcel Lockers: Expansion of automated parcel locker systems in urban areas for convenient and secure package pickup.
  3. Infrastructure Investments:
    • Automated Sorting Facilities: Upgrading and expanding sorting centers with state-of-the-art automation to handle increased mail volumes efficiently.
    • Delivery Networks: Enhancing delivery routes and expanding networks to underserved and remote areas.
  4. Sustainability Initiatives:
    • Green Logistics: Transitioning to electric delivery vehicles and optimizing delivery routes to reduce carbon emissions.
    • Eco-Friendly Packaging: Promoting the use of recyclable and biodegradable packaging materials to minimize environmental impact.
  5. Customer Service Enhancements:
    • Improved Service Centers: Modernizing post offices with better facilities and customer service tools.
    • Extended Hours: Introducing extended service hours and self-service kiosks for greater convenience.

Comparison: Latvia vs. Countries Without Postal Codes

Feature Latvia (With Postal Codes) Countries Without Postal Codes
Addressing System Structured, five-digit postal codes Descriptive; relies on landmarks and manual sorting
Mail Sorting Automated, faster sorting Manual, slower sorting
E-Commerce Readiness Advanced, supports high parcel volumes Faces logistical challenges
Rural Accessibility Improved with postal codes Dependent on local knowledge and landmarks
Global Compatibility Seamless alignment with international standards Limited global integration

The Future of Latvia’s Postal System

Latvia’s postal system is well-positioned to continue evolving to meet the demands of a modern, digital society. Future developments may include:

  1. Enhanced Automation:
    • AI and Robotics: Further integration of artificial intelligence and robotics in sorting and delivery processes to increase efficiency and reduce human error.
    • Smart Logistics: Utilizing data analytics to optimize delivery routes and predict mail volumes, ensuring timely deliveries.
  2. Advanced Tracking Systems:
    • Blockchain Technology: Implementing blockchain for secure and transparent tracking of high-value parcels.
    • IoT Integration: Using Internet of Things (IoT) devices for real-time monitoring of mail and parcel conditions during transit.
  3. Sustainability Enhancements:
    • Renewable Energy: Expanding the use of renewable energy sources in postal facilities and delivery operations.
    • Carbon Neutrality: Committing to carbon-neutral logistics through innovative technologies and sustainable practices.
  4. Expanded E-Commerce Services:
    • Same-Day Delivery: Introducing same-day or next-day delivery options in major urban centers to cater to consumer expectations.
    • Customized Logistics Solutions: Developing specialized services for different types of online retailers, ensuring efficient handling of diverse parcel sizes and types.
  5. Infrastructure Expansion:
    • Rural Network Improvement: Continued investment in road infrastructure and delivery networks to enhance service reliability in remote areas.
    • Smart Facilities: Building smart post offices equipped with digital kiosks and automated service points to improve customer experience.
  6. Public Engagement and Education:
    • Ongoing Campaigns: Conducting continuous educational campaigns to promote the use of postal codes and proper addressing practices among residents and businesses.
    • Community Outreach: Engaging with local communities to gather feedback and address specific postal service needs effectively.
  7. Global Partnerships:
    • International Collaboration: Strengthening partnerships with international postal operators to enhance cross-border mail handling and expand global connectivity.
    • Global E-Commerce Integration: Partnering with international e-commerce platforms to streamline international parcel deliveries and support Latvia’s position in the global market.

By embracing these advancements, Latvia’s postal system will continue to support the country’s economic growth, enhance connectivity for its residents, and maintain its reputation as a reliable and efficient postal service provider.


Latvia’s postal code system, characterized by its structured five-digit format, plays a pivotal role in the country’s efficient mail delivery and logistics framework. Managed by Latvijas Pasts, the system ensures precise sorting and timely deliveries across Latvia’s diverse and often remote regions. While challenges such as urban congestion and rural accessibility persist, ongoing modernization efforts and strategic investments position Latvia’s postal system for a robust and dynamic future. As Latvia continues to evolve technologically and economically, its postal services will remain a vital component of its socio-economic infrastructure, fostering connectivity and supporting both residents and businesses alike.

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