Pitcairn Islands Postcode

Pitcairn Islands (PN) Geographical Metadata


ISO Alpha-3: PCN
Continent ISO: OC
FIPS Code: PC00
Phone Code: +
TLD: .pn
Latitude: -24.3780000
Longitude: -128.3250000
Territory Of: GB
Capital: Adamstown
Capital TimeZone: Pacific/Pitcairn
Language(s): English
Language Code(s): en
Spoken Language(s): English
Area (KM²): 47.00
Currency ISO: NZD
Currency Name: Dollar
Currency Full Name: New Zealand Dollar
Local Currency Name: dollar
Currency Symbol: $
Post Code Denomination: Postcode
Post Code Format: AAA9 9AA
Post Code Regex: ^(PCR9 1ZZ)$
Admin Regions: 1
Region Names: Territory

Pitcairn Islands has 1 administrative regions, namely Territory.

We have on record 1 Territory.

There are a total of 4 postal codes in Pitcairn Islands.

Click on the Territory in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Pitcairn Islands.

Territory Latitude Longitude
Pitcairn Islands -24.674339 -124.776495

Pitcairn Islands Postal System: An Overview

The Pitcairn Islands, a British Overseas Territory in the South Pacific Ocean, consist of four islands: Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie, and Oeno. With a small population of fewer than 50 people, the postal system on the Pitcairn Islands plays a crucial role in connecting its residents to the outside world. Given its remote location, the postal services are a lifeline for communication, parcel delivery, and administrative purposes.

Despite its size and isolation, Pitcairn Islands adhere to the British postal system. However, the unique circumstances of the island influence how mail is processed and delivered.

Overview of the Postal System on Pitcairn Islands

The postal services on the Pitcairn Islands are managed under the British system, ensuring alignment with international standards. The islands do not have a formal postal code, but instead, mail is routed via New Zealand before being delivered to Pitcairn.

Key Features of the Pitcairn Postal System:

  1. No Official Postal Code: Mail is routed through New Zealand using the identifier "via New Zealand".
  2. Post Office Location: The main post office is located on the only inhabited island, Pitcairn Island.
  3. Manual Sorting: Due to the small population, mail is manually sorted and distributed.
  4. Sea Transport: All mail arrives via ships, as the islands lack an airport.

How Mail is Processed for Pitcairn Islands

  1. Routing: All international mail for the Pitcairn Islands is addressed to New Zealand. From there, it is forwarded by ship to the islands.
  2. Frequency: Mail delivery is infrequent, typically coinciding with supply ships that visit the island about four times a year.
  3. Handling: Once mail arrives on Pitcairn Island, it is manually sorted at the island’s post office and distributed to residents.

Address Format for Pitcairn Islands

Mail addressed to the Pitcairn Islands must include specific details to ensure it reaches the intended recipient. Below is the recommended address format:

Type of Address Example
Standard Address Recipient Name: John Adams
Street/Area: Main Square
Destination: Pitcairn Island
Country: British Overseas Territory
Routing Instruction: via New Zealand

Significance of the Postal System on Pitcairn Islands

  1. Connectivity: The postal system connects the island’s residents to the outside world, enabling communication and the delivery of essential goods.
  2. Philately: Pitcairn is known for its unique stamps, which are a significant source of revenue for the territory and attract collectors globally.
  3. Community Role: The post office serves as a social hub for the island’s small population.

Challenges in the Pitcairn Postal System

  1. Infrequent Deliveries: Limited ship visits result in long wait times for mail and parcels.
  2. Remote Location: The island's isolation makes logistics complex and reliant on favorable weather conditions.
  3. Lack of Infrastructure: Without an airport or regular transport links, mail delivery is dependent entirely on maritime schedules.

Future of Postal Services on Pitcairn Islands

The postal system on the Pitcairn Islands is expected to remain a vital part of the community, with a continued focus on:

  1. Philatelic Services: Developing more unique stamp designs to increase revenue.
  2. Improved Connectivity: Exploring partnerships with New Zealand for more efficient mail handling and routing.
  3. Community Support: Ensuring the postal system continues to meet the needs of the island’s small but vibrant community.


The postal system of the Pitcairn Islands is a small yet essential service that supports the island’s residents, connects them with the world, and contributes significantly to the territory’s economy through philately. While challenges exist due to the island’s remoteness and limited infrastructure, the postal service remains a lifeline for this unique and remote community.

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