Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan Da Cunha Postcode

Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan Da Cunha (SH) Geographical Metadata


ISO Alpha-3: SHN
Continent ISO: AF
FIPS Code: SH00
Phone Code: +290
TLD: .sh
Latitude: -15.8310000
Longitude: -5.6180000
Territory Of: GB
Capital: Jamestown
Capital TimeZone: Africa/Abidjan
Language(s): English
Language Code(s): en
Spoken Language(s): English
Area (KM²): 410.00
Currency ISO: SHP
Currency Name: Pound
Currency Full Name: Saint Helena Pound
Local Currency Name: Pound
Currency Symbol: £
Post Code Denomination: Postcode
Post Code Format: AAAA 9AA
Post Code Regex: ^(ASCN 1ZZ)$
Admin Regions: 1
Region Names: District

Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan Da Cunha has 1 administrative regions, namely District.

We have on record 3 District.

There are a total of 65 postal codes in Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan Da Cunha.

Click on the District in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan Da Cunha.

District Latitude Longitude
Ascención Island -7.949077 -14.356599
Saint Helena -15.944659 -5.700716
Tristan da Cunha Islands -37.067369 -12.311066

Postal Code System of Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha: A Comprehensive Guide

Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha, a British Overseas Territory in the South Atlantic Ocean, encompass three distinct and remote islands with unique geographical and administrative setups. Despite their isolation, the islands maintain a functional postal system to facilitate communication and logistics, both locally and internationally. The postal code system is integral to ensuring accurate and efficient mail delivery to these far-flung islands.

This guide explores the postal code system for each island, their addressing formats, significance, and the challenges of maintaining a postal system in such remote locations.

Overview of the Postal System

The postal system for Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha operates under the framework of the United Kingdom’s postal services, with unique identifiers for each island. Given their isolated nature, the postal system is vital for maintaining communication, supporting local businesses, and catering to the needs of residents.

Key Features of the Postal System:

  1. Distinct Postal Codes for Each Island: Each island has its own unique code to distinguish it within the territory.
  2. Integration with UK Postal Network: The postal system aligns with the UK’s addressing standards, ensuring seamless international mail delivery.
  3. Limited Infrastructure: Due to their remote locations, postal facilities and delivery services are modest but effective.
  4. Dependency on Shipping and Air Services: Mail delivery is contingent on periodic ships and flights to the islands.

Structure of the Postal Code System

The postal codes for Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha adhere to the UK’s standard format, consisting of letters and numbers. Each island has a distinct postal code prefix:

Island Postal Code
Saint Helena STHL 1ZZ
Ascension ASCN 1ZZ
Tristan da Cunha TDCU 1ZZ

Format Breakdown:

  • Prefix (STHL, ASCN, TDCU): Identifies the specific island.
  • 1ZZ: Standard suffix used for British Overseas Territories with single postal districts.

Example Postal Codes:

  • STHL 1ZZ: Covers all of Saint Helena.
  • ASCN 1ZZ: Covers all of Ascension Island.
  • TDCU 1ZZ: Covers all of Tristan da Cunha.

How to Address Mail

Proper addressing is crucial for timely and accurate delivery. The addressing format follows UK standards but incorporates the island-specific postal codes.

Standard Address Format:

  1. Recipient’s Name
  2. Street Name or P.O. Box Number
  3. Town or Locality
  4. Postal Code
  5. Island Name
  6. Country: Stated as "South Atlantic Ocean"

Examples of Address Formats

Type of Address Example
Saint Helena Name: John Doe
Street: 12 Main Street
Town: Jamestown
Postal Code: STHL 1ZZ
Island: Saint Helena
Country: South Atlantic Ocean
Ascension Name: Sarah Green
Street: Post Office
Town: Georgetown
Postal Code: ASCN 1ZZ
Island: Ascension Island
Country: South Atlantic Ocean
Tristan da Cunha Name: William Brown
Street: The Residency
Town: Edinburgh of the Seven Seas
Postal Code: TDCU 1ZZ
Island: Tristan da Cunha
Country: South Atlantic Ocean

Significance of the Postal Code System

The postal code system is indispensable for these isolated islands. It ensures reliable communication and logistics, enabling residents to maintain connections with the rest of the world.

  1. Efficient Sorting and Delivery:
    • The unique postal codes facilitate accurate sorting and routing of mail to the respective islands.
  2. Support for International Communication:
    • Integration with the UK postal network allows seamless international mail exchange.
  3. Vital for Residents and Businesses:
    • Provides essential services for residents and supports small businesses reliant on international trade.
  4. Tourism and Philately:
    • Supports the thriving philatelic market, as the islands are renowned for their collectible stamps.

Challenges of the Postal System

The remoteness and small population of these islands pose unique challenges for the postal system:

  1. Limited Accessibility:
    • Mail delivery depends on infrequent ships and flights, leading to potential delays.
  2. Small Scale of Operations:
    • With limited postal facilities and staff, capacity constraints can arise during peak periods.
  3. High Costs:
    • The cost of maintaining postal services is higher due to the reliance on external transportation.
  4. Weather Dependency:
    • Harsh weather conditions can disrupt mail delivery schedules.

Steps to Improve Postal Services

Despite the challenges, steps can be taken to enhance the efficiency of the postal system:

  1. Digital Integration:
    • Introducing online tracking systems to provide real-time updates on mail and parcels.
  2. Expanded Transportation Options:
    • Increasing the frequency of ships or flights to reduce delivery delays.
  3. Collaboration with Couriers:
    • Partnering with international courier services to enhance logistics capabilities.
  4. Public Awareness:
    • Educating residents on proper addressing formats to ensure smooth mail processing.

Future Prospects

As technology and infrastructure improve, the postal system in Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha is expected to evolve. Potential developments include:

  1. E-Commerce Support:
    • Enhancing logistics networks to support the growing demand for online shopping.
  2. Sustainability Initiatives:
    • Adopting eco-friendly practices in mail transportation and delivery.
  3. Increased Connectivity:
    • Exploring alternative transportation methods, such as drones, for remote areas.


The postal code system of Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha is a lifeline for these remote islands, connecting them to the world despite their isolation. Managed within the framework of the UK postal system, the unique codes ensure reliable and accurate mail delivery. While challenges persist due to their geographical remoteness, continuous improvements and technological advancements promise to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of the postal services in these extraordinary locations.

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