São Tomé and Príncipe Postal Code

São Tomé and Príncipe (ST) Geographical Metadata


ISO Alpha-3: STP
Continent ISO: AF
FIPS Code: TP00
NUTS Code:
Phone Code: +239
TLD: .st
Latitude: 0.8200000
Longitude: 7.0020000
Territory Of:
Capital: Sao Tome
Capital TimeZone: Africa/Abidjan
Language(s): Portuguese
Language Code(s): pt
Spoken Language(s): Portuguese 98.4% (official), Forro 36.2%, Cabo Verdian 8.5%, French 6.8%, Angolar 6.6%, English 4.9%, Lunguie 1%, other (including sign language) 2.4%
Area (KM²): 1001.00
Currency ISO: STD
Currency Name: Dobra
Currency Full Name: Dobra
Local Currency Name: Dobra
Currency Symbol: D
Post Code Denomination:
Post Code Format: -
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