Togo Postal Code

Togo (TG) Geographical Metadata


ISO Alpha-3: TGO
Continent ISO: AF
FIPS Code: TO00
Phone Code: +228
TLD: .tg
Latitude: 8.5130000
Longitude: 0.9800000
Capital: Lome
Capital TimeZone: Africa/Abidjan
Language(s): French
Language Code(s): fr
Spoken Language(s): French (official, the language of commerce), Ewe and Mina (the two major African languages in the south), Kabye (sometimes spelled Kabiye) and Dagomba (the two major African languages in the north)
Area (KM²): 56785.00
Currency ISO: XOF
Currency Name: Franc
Currency Full Name: West African CFA Franc
Local Currency Name: franc
Currency Symbol: Fr
Post Code Format: -
Admin Regions: 2
Region Names: Region, Prefecture

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This country or region does not use the postal or ZIP code system.

Postal Code RegionPrefecture Locality Suburb Latitude Longitude
CentraleBlitta Blitta 8.318600 0.987560
CentraleSotouboua Agbamassoumou 8.617790 0.612110
CentraleSotouboua Boulo 8.744180 0.666800
CentraleSotouboua Folo 8.919070 0.688030
CentraleSotouboua Langabou 8.120210 1.138890
CentraleSotouboua Pagala 8.203040 0.885300
CentraleSotouboua Sotouboua 8.557370 0.985270
CentraleSotouboua Soussoukparogan 8.000000 1.036140
CentraleSotouboua Yaloumbe 8.300230 1.086520
CentraleSotouboua Yegue 8.181650 0.628070
CentraleTchamba Bagou 8.512260 1.407240
CentraleTchamba Kambole 8.743530 1.598830
CentraleTchamba Landa Mono 8.591160 1.272260
CentraleTchamba Tchamba 9.016820 1.416630
CentraleTchaoudjo Aleheride 9.190710 1.197800
CentraleTchaoudjo Baounda 9.020940 1.263690
CentraleTchaoudjo Pasa 9.222860 1.346720
CentraleTchaoudjo Sokode 8.984000 1.149470
KaraAssoli Bafilo 9.339890 1.243220
KaraBassar Bangan 9.067750 0.692940
KaraBassar Bassar 9.260720 0.789310
KaraBassar Kabou 9.460750 0.814040
KaraBassar Kakpale 9.141810 0.507200
KaraBinah Pagouda 9.789150 1.317900
KaraDankpen Bangeli 9.423780 0.630750
KaraDankpen Dikpakpar 9.591750 0.777220
KaraDankpen Guerin Kouka 9.685280 0.612930
KaraDankpen Katchamba 9.887500 0.528470
KaraDankpen Kidjaboum 9.777900 0.462580
KaraDankpen Kidjaboun 9.725880 0.579140
KaraDankpen Koutiere 9.817450 0.807460
KaraDankpen Nabouri 9.836070 0.487560
KaraDankpen Namon 9.726760 0.810770
KaraDankpen Nampoa 9.761620 0.624390
KaraDoufelgou Massedena 9.951800 1.268170
KaraDoufelgou Niamtougou 9.765120 1.114060
KaraDoufelgou Niamtougou Niamtougou Airport 9.769400 1.092800
KaraKeran Atalote 9.931140 0.948640
KaraKeran Kande 9.959490 1.048310
KaraKeran Kante 9.955820 1.052150
KaraKeran Kante Koutammakou 10.066670 1.133330
KaraKeran Naboulgou 10.149000 0.821800
KaraKeran Pesside 10.003230 0.990780
KaraKozah Kara 9.546830 1.193260
MaritimeAve Assahoun 6.447150 0.907380
MaritimeAve Keve 6.423650 0.923690
MaritimeAve Wodome 6.483990 0.730760
MaritimeGolfe Agoueve 6.214880 1.210110
MaritimeGolfe Baguida 6.160850 1.328720
MaritimeGolfe Sanguera 6.220320 1.111880
MaritimeLacs Agbodrafo 6.199430 1.473550
MaritimeLacs Anecho 6.219520 1.585650
MaritimeLacs Aneho 6.233330 1.600000
MaritimeLacs Anfoin 6.318470 1.615470
LoméLome Lome 6.126580 1.227830
LoméLome Lome Lome Tokoin Airport 6.162500 1.255000
MaritimeVo Amegnran 6.465860 1.569950
MaritimeVo Hahotoe 6.366670 1.400000
MaritimeVo Vogan 6.325070 1.528220
MaritimeYoto Ahepe 6.598030 1.394240
MaritimeYoto Kouve 6.666670 1.416670
MaritimeYoto Tabligbo 6.580810 1.500040
MaritimeYoto Tchekpo Dedekpoe 6.523530 1.356750
MaritimeZio Adetikope 6.312390 1.216280
MaritimeZio Agbelouve 6.665980 1.167870
MaritimeZio Akepe 6.235590 1.054610
MaritimeZio Alokoegbe 6.434100 1.091430
MaritimeZio Badja 6.372480 0.980790
MaritimeZio Game 6.723420 1.169810
MaritimeZio Noepe 6.254080 1.030060
MaritimeZio Tovegan 6.565770 0.884990
MaritimeZio Tsevie 6.419770 1.210970
PlateauxAgou Agou Gadzepe 6.848000 0.701940
PlateauxAgou Assahun Fiagbe 6.786110 0.694580
PlateauxAgou Avetonou 6.794150 0.789490
PlateauxAgou Glekope 6.712600 0.819320
PlateauxAgou Koumassi 6.734520 0.680350
PlateauxAgou Nyitoe 6.653580 0.652820
PlateauxAgou Setodji Kope 6.656310 0.840070
PlateauxAmou Agome Kotoukpa 7.509410 1.028420
PlateauxAmou Amlame 7.456310 0.906010
PlateauxAmou Amou Oblo 7.400910 0.873770
PlateauxAmou Klabe Apegame 7.633980 0.919600
PlateauxAmou Lodji 7.664100 1.138330
PlateauxDanyi Dayes Flavagnon 7.280140 0.708840
PlateauxDanyi Ele 7.274030 0.800240
PlateauxEst-Mono Akaba 7.953440 1.052180
PlateauxEst-Mono Amodoukoute 8.237550 1.555380
PlateauxEst-Mono Dagou 8.055230 1.319190
PlateauxEst-Mono Elavagnon 7.973130 1.294350
PlateauxEst-Mono Kolokope 7.796690 1.291860
PlateauxEst-Mono Moretan 8.105850 1.356980
PlateauxEst-Mono Nyamassila 7.985830 1.187990
PlateauxEst-Mono Ogou Kinko 8.030210 1.472530
PlateauxEst-Mono Okeloukoutou 7.733640 1.426910
PlateauxEst-Mono Palakoko 7.834930 1.100650
PlateauxHaho Asrama 7.000690 1.395820
PlateauxHaho Djatekpe 6.905340 0.939060
PlateauxHaho Djemegni 6.941220 1.272260
PlateauxHaho Kpedome 6.973070 1.170980
PlateauxHaho Kpele 6.857240 1.182070
PlateauxHaho Notse 6.940910 1.172140
PlateauxHaho Tafia 7.167840 1.334450
PlateauxHaho Tetetou 7.012750 1.498920
PlateauxKloto Adeta 7.123230 0.729240
PlateauxKloto Kati 6.887790 0.848640
PlateauxKloto Kloto 6.950000 0.566670
PlateauxKloto Kpadape 6.837170 0.592130
PlateauxKloto Kpalime 6.902260 0.632560
PlateauxMoyen-Mono Kpekpleme 7.324760 1.622560
PlateauxMoyen-Mono Saligbe 7.221600 1.626680
PlateauxMoyen-Mono Tado 7.138420 1.589380
PlateauxMoyen-Mono Tohoun 7.018010 1.613520
PlateauxOgou Akpare 7.457170 1.327900
PlateauxOgou Atakpame 7.524230 1.124730
PlateauxOgou Atome 7.355910 1.559470
PlateauxOgou Boko 7.579870 1.214060
PlateauxOgou Dadja 7.432260 1.156070
PlateauxOgou Glei 7.311070 1.162810
PlateauxOgou Kougnohou 7.513340 1.267460
PlateauxOgou Ountivou 7.350280 1.593020
PlateauxOgou Wahala 7.178290 1.162610
PlateauxWawa Agbokope 7.434710 0.670240
PlateauxWawa Badou 7.580130 0.602930
PlateauxWawa Klabe Adape 7.615490 0.794400
PlateauxWawa Kougnohou 7.654190 0.790030
PlateauxWawa Okou 7.563800 0.904100
PlateauxWawa Tomegbe 7.507440 0.599250
SavanesKpendjal Borgou 10.769940 0.575930
SavanesKpendjal Koundjouare 10.937990 0.643990
SavanesKpendjal Mandouri 10.844770 0.820580
SavanesOti Galangachi 10.511160 0.350090
SavanesOti Gando Namoni 10.325630 0.748600
SavanesOti Koumongou 10.176730 0.449200
SavanesOti Kpandjibou 10.279700 0.683940
SavanesOti Lagatango 10.420290 0.254520
SavanesOti Mango 10.383700 0.367520
SavanesOti Mango 10.350790 0.472800
SavanesOti Mogou 10.380960 0.639750
SavanesOti Nali 10.060290 0.449100
SavanesOti Tchanaga 10.504730 0.492470
SavanesTandjouare Nano 10.705650 0.107070
SavanesTandjouare Natigou 10.600110 0.251940
SavanesTandjouare Tamongue 10.588620 0.173670
SavanesTandjouare Tandjouare 10.675110 0.200350
SavanesTone Cinkasse 11.101210 0.020340
SavanesTone Dapaong 10.867990 0.194630
SavanesTone Kantindi 10.900220 0.291550
SavanesTone Kong 10.982780 0.048980
SavanesTone Nadjoundi 11.003250 0.182760
SavanesTone Nakitindi Lare 10.724940 0.365640
SavanesTone Namoundjoga 10.886480 0.398370
SavanesTone Nassable 10.905290 0.159440
SavanesTone Tami 10.839450 0.037930
SavanesTone Tamonga 10.602910 0.395170
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