A528,B4397 Postcode

A528,B4397 < The Meres < Shropshire < Shropshire < England < United Kingdom

Explore A528,B4397 Postal Codes

A528,B4397 is a locality in United Kingdom.
There are 5 postal codes in A528,B4397.

Postal Codes for A528,B4397:

  • SY4 5SE A528,B4397
    The Meres, Shropshire, Shropshire, England GPS: 52.859075, -2.789174
  • SY4 5SU A528,B4397
    The Meres, Shropshire, Shropshire, England GPS: 52.851761, -2.813526
  • SY4 5SZ A528,B4397
    The Meres, Shropshire, Shropshire, England GPS: 52.827740, -2.804873
  • SY4 5TB A528,B4397
    The Meres, Shropshire, Shropshire, England GPS: 52.830824, -2.808715
  • SY4 5TD A528,B4397
    The Meres, Shropshire, Shropshire, England GPS: 52.842429, -2.826625
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