A98 Postcode

A98 < Banff and District < Aberdeenshire < Scotland < Scotland < United Kingdom

Explore A98 Postal Codes

A98 is a locality in United Kingdom.
There are 14 postal codes in A98.

Postal Codes for A98:

  • AB45 2AA A98
    Banff and District, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Scotland GPS: 57.655583, -2.615668
  • AB45 2AB A98
    Banff and District, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Scotland GPS: 57.653760, -2.622758
  • AB45 2AE A98
    Banff and District, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Scotland GPS: 57.645356, -2.641896
  • AB45 2AJ A98
    Banff and District, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Scotland GPS: 57.634057, -2.652147
  • AB45 2AL A98
    Banff and District, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Scotland GPS: 57.626619, -2.648682
  • AB45 2DX A98
    Banff and District, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Scotland GPS: 57.648869, -2.598166
  • AB45 2JZ A98
    Banff and District, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Scotland GPS: 57.669106, -2.552786
  • AB45 2LP A98
    Banff and District, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Scotland GPS: 57.654472, -2.657792
  • AB45 2SQ A98
    Banff and District, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Scotland GPS: 57.677604, -2.737286
  • AB45 2UD A98
    Banff and District, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Scotland GPS: 57.682829, -2.765063
  • AB45 2UJ A98
    Banff and District, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Scotland GPS: 57.677975, -2.758136
  • AB45 2UL A98
    Banff and District, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Scotland GPS: 57.673616, -2.744884
  • AB45 3TA A98
    Banff and District, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Scotland GPS: 57.657428, -2.525578
  • AB56 4TB A98
    Banff and District, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Scotland GPS: 57.674085, -2.780370
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