B4027 Postcode

B4027 < Stonesfield and Tackley < West Oxfordshire < Oxfordshire < England < United Kingdom

Explore B4027 Postal Codes

B4027 is a locality in United Kingdom.
There are 4 postal codes in B4027.

Postal Codes for B4027:

  • OX20 1AE B4027
    Stonesfield and Tackley, West Oxfordshire, Oxfordshire, England GPS: 51.880383, -1.356034
  • OX20 1AU B4027
    Stonesfield and Tackley, West Oxfordshire, Oxfordshire, England GPS: 51.893712, -1.385388
  • OX20 1EW B4027
    Stonesfield and Tackley, West Oxfordshire, Oxfordshire, England GPS: 51.875145, -1.353236
  • OX5 3ER B4027
    Stonesfield and Tackley, West Oxfordshire, Oxfordshire, England GPS: 51.865978, -1.328486
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