B4044 Postcode

B4044 < Botley & Sunningwell < Vale of White Horse < Oxfordshire < England < United Kingdom

Explore B4044 Postal Codes

B4044 is a locality in United Kingdom.
There are 10 postal codes in B4044.

Postal Codes for B4044:

  • OX2 0FB B4044
    Botley & Sunningwell, Vale of White Horse, Oxfordshire, England GPS: 51.753483, -1.294868
  • OX2 0FH B4044
    Botley & Sunningwell, Vale of White Horse, Oxfordshire, England GPS: 51.752430, -1.295273
  • OX2 0FL B4044
    Botley & Sunningwell, Vale of White Horse, Oxfordshire, England GPS: 51.751442, -1.290957
  • OX2 0PH B4044
    Botley & Sunningwell, Vale of White Horse, Oxfordshire, England GPS: 51.754026, -1.293976
  • OX2 0QL B4044
    Botley & Sunningwell, Vale of White Horse, Oxfordshire, England GPS: 51.753114, -1.291788
  • OX2 9FZ B4044
    Botley & Sunningwell, Vale of White Horse, Oxfordshire, England GPS: 51.749256, -1.303683
  • OX2 9GT B4044
    Botley & Sunningwell, Vale of White Horse, Oxfordshire, England GPS: 51.750078, -1.302773
  • OX2 9HA B4044
    Botley & Sunningwell, Vale of White Horse, Oxfordshire, England GPS: 51.749638, -1.303573
  • OX2 9JN B4044
    Botley & Sunningwell, Vale of White Horse, Oxfordshire, England GPS: 51.750464, -1.299725
  • OX2 9JT B4044
    Botley & Sunningwell, Vale of White Horse, Oxfordshire, England GPS: 51.752243, -1.298002
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