B4166 Postcode

B4166 < Greets Green and Lyng < Sandwell < West Midlands < England < United Kingdom

Explore B4166 Postal Codes

B4166 is a locality in United Kingdom.
There are 6 postal codes in B4166.

Postal Codes for B4166:

  • B70 9DE B4166
    Greets Green and Lyng, Sandwell, West Midlands, England GPS: 52.517176, -2.021068
  • B70 9DH B4166
    Greets Green and Lyng, Sandwell, West Midlands, England GPS: 52.515507, -2.020749
  • B70 9DZ B4166
    Greets Green and Lyng, Sandwell, West Midlands, England GPS: 52.519666, -2.023633
  • B70 9ED B4166
    Greets Green and Lyng, Sandwell, West Midlands, England GPS: 52.521077, -2.023811
  • B70 9EF B4166
    Greets Green and Lyng, Sandwell, West Midlands, England GPS: 52.519387, -2.024179
  • B70 9XH B4166
    Greets Green and Lyng, Sandwell, West Midlands, England GPS: 52.520918, -2.024642
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