B4357 Postcode

B4357 < Llangunllo with Norton < Powys < Powys < Wales < United Kingdom

Explore B4357 Postal Codes

B4357 is a locality in United Kingdom.
There are 3 postal codes in B4357.

Postal Codes for B4357:

  • LD7 1NW B4357
    Llangunllo with Norton, Powys, Powys, Wales GPS: 52.296006, -3.074696
  • LD7 1PD B4357
    Llangunllo with Norton, Powys, Powys, Wales GPS: 52.316424, -3.065699
  • LD8 2NS B4357
    Llangunllo with Norton, Powys, Powys, Wales GPS: 52.282697, -3.074022
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