B5395 Postcode

B5395 < Malpas < Cheshire West and Chester < Cheshire < England < United Kingdom

Explore B5395 Postal Codes

B5395 is a locality in United Kingdom.
There are 4 postal codes in B5395.

Postal Codes for B5395:

  • SY13 4QZ B5395
    Malpas, Cheshire West and Chester, Cheshire, England GPS: 53.004612, -2.732113
  • SY13 4RF B5395
    Malpas, Cheshire West and Chester, Cheshire, England GPS: 52.987448, -2.723823
  • SY13 4RG B5395
    Malpas, Cheshire West and Chester, Cheshire, England GPS: 52.986662, -2.720086
  • SY13 4RH B5395
    Malpas, Cheshire West and Chester, Cheshire, England GPS: 52.993598, -2.730496
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