Ffordd Pentraeth Postcode

Ffordd Pentraeth < Lligwy < Isle of Anglesey < Gwynedd < Wales < United Kingdom

Explore Ffordd Pentraeth Postal Codes

Ffordd Pentraeth is a locality in United Kingdom.
There are 7 postal codes in Ffordd Pentraeth.

Postal Codes for Ffordd Pentraeth:

  • LL75 8BJ Ffordd Pentraeth
    Lligwy, Isle of Anglesey, Gwynedd, Wales GPS: 53.282667, -4.218265
  • LL75 8DZ Ffordd Pentraeth
    Lligwy, Isle of Anglesey, Gwynedd, Wales GPS: 53.290696, -4.224028
  • LL75 8LJ Ffordd Pentraeth
    Lligwy, Isle of Anglesey, Gwynedd, Wales GPS: 53.286714, -4.218165
  • LL75 8LZ Ffordd Pentraeth
    Lligwy, Isle of Anglesey, Gwynedd, Wales GPS: 53.289862, -4.220078
  • LL75 8YL Ffordd Pentraeth
    Lligwy, Isle of Anglesey, Gwynedd, Wales GPS: 53.272947, -4.213007
  • LL75 8YR Ffordd Pentraeth
    Lligwy, Isle of Anglesey, Gwynedd, Wales GPS: 53.266254, -4.208842
  • LL75 8YW Ffordd Pentraeth
    Lligwy, Isle of Anglesey, Gwynedd, Wales GPS: 53.266412, -4.196444
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