Kelvindale, The Butney, Cowal Road Postcode

Kelvindale, The Butney, Cowal Road < Maryhill < Glasgow City < Scotland < Scotland < United Kingdom

Explore Kelvindale, The Butney, Cowal Road Postal Codes

Kelvindale, The Butney, Cowal Road is a locality in United Kingdom.
There are 2 postal codes in Kelvindale, The Butney, Cowal Road.

Postal Codes for Kelvindale, The Butney, Cowal Road:

  • G20 0BF Kelvindale, The Butney, Cowal Road
    Maryhill, Glasgow City, Scotland, Scotland GPS: 55.894235, -4.298370
  • G20 0BL Kelvindale, The Butney, Cowal Road
    Maryhill, Glasgow City, Scotland, Scotland GPS: 55.894253, -4.297860
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