Longniddry Postcode

Longniddry < Preston, Seton and Gosford < East Lothian < Scotland < Scotland < United Kingdom

Explore Longniddry Postal Codes

Longniddry is a locality in United Kingdom.
There are 4 postal codes in Longniddry.

Postal Codes for Longniddry:

  • EH32 0FJ Longniddry
    Preston, Seton and Gosford, East Lothian, Scotland, Scotland GPS: 55.971010, -2.892868
  • EH32 0FN Longniddry
    Preston, Seton and Gosford, East Lothian, Scotland, Scotland GPS: 55.971606, -2.889966
  • EH32 0FP Longniddry
    Preston, Seton and Gosford, East Lothian, Scotland, Scotland GPS: 55.970945, -2.893171
  • EH32 0NZ Longniddry
    Preston, Seton and Gosford, East Lothian, Scotland, Scotland GPS: 55.974345, -2.892059
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