Mansmoor Road Postcode

Mansmoor Road < Launton and Otmoor < Cherwell < Oxfordshire < England < United Kingdom

Explore Mansmoor Road Postal Codes

Mansmoor Road is a locality in United Kingdom.
There are 3 postal codes in Mansmoor Road.

Postal Codes for Mansmoor Road:

  • OX25 3WQ Mansmoor Road
    Launton and Otmoor, Cherwell, Oxfordshire, England GPS: 51.846040, -1.210142
  • OX5 2UR Mansmoor Road
    Launton and Otmoor, Cherwell, Oxfordshire, England GPS: 51.852987, -1.195109
  • OX5 2US Mansmoor Road
    Launton and Otmoor, Cherwell, Oxfordshire, England GPS: 51.843953, -1.189227
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