Newtownstewart Postcode

Newtownstewart < Newtownstewart < Derry City and Strabane < Northern Ireland < Northern Ireland < United Kingdom

Explore Newtownstewart Postal Codes

Newtownstewart is a locality in United Kingdom.
There are 139 postal codes in Newtownstewart.

Postal Codes for Newtownstewart:

  • BT78 4AA Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.717954, -7.377930
  • BT78 4AB Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.717533, -7.378201
  • BT78 4AD Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.718128, -7.376764
  • BT78 4AE Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.716873, -7.379018
  • BT78 4AF Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.716782, -7.378771
  • BT78 4AG Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.715141, -7.379401
  • BT78 4AH Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.712867, -7.381018
  • BT78 4AL Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.716030, -7.381048
  • BT78 4AN Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.716500, -7.378217
  • BT78 4AP Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.714929, -7.376642
  • BT78 4AQ Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.715358, -7.379801
  • BT78 4AR Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.717090, -7.377633
  • BT78 4AS Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.718735, -7.376025
  • BT78 4AT Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.719330, -7.374728
  • BT78 4AU Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.714384, -7.379009
  • BT78 4AW Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.716091, -7.377276
  • BT78 4AX Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.718814, -7.377436
  • BT78 4AY Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.719337, -7.379616
  • BT78 4AZ Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.719774, -7.382558
  • BT78 4BA Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.715667, -7.378602
  • BT78 4BB Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.719473, -7.385185
  • BT78 4BD Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.720345, -7.386957
  • BT78 4BE Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.715686, -7.380510
  • BT78 4BF Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.714011, -7.421606
  • BT78 4BG Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.718060, -7.386432
  • BT78 4BH Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.718318, -7.384116
  • BT78 4BJ Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.718807, -7.384869
  • BT78 4BL Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.717966, -7.382011
  • BT78 4BN Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.717435, -7.381787
  • BT78 4BP Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.718709, -7.379828
  • BT78 4BQ Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.716578, -7.382886
  • BT78 4BS Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.716347, -7.385108
  • BT78 4BT Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.719397, -7.382641
  • BT78 4BU Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.718379, -7.380143
  • BT78 4BW Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.717958, -7.380429
  • BT78 4BX Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.717749, -7.385289
  • BT78 4BY Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.719157, -7.386587
  • BT78 4DD Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.714878, -7.380615
  • BT78 4EX Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.717583, -7.393252
  • BT78 4EY Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.712287, -7.410584
  • BT78 4EZ Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.689623, -7.437026
  • BT78 4FA Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.715728, -7.378337
  • BT78 4FB Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.713651, -7.379688
  • BT78 4GA Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.711876, -7.378567
  • BT78 4GD Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.711955, -7.378178
  • BT78 4GZ Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.722134, -7.389056
  • BT78 4HA Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.700727, -7.418290
  • BT78 4HB Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.694069, -7.419719
  • BT78 4HD Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.706106, -7.438737
  • BT78 4HE Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.673803, -7.468618
  • BT78 4HF Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.671503, -7.483109
  • BT78 4HG Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.657777, -7.491806
  • BT78 4HH Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.663929, -7.478650
  • BT78 4HJ Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.731972, -7.455376
  • BT78 4HL Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.674526, -7.499269
  • BT78 4HN Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.678652, -7.474539
  • BT78 4HP Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.670332, -7.461751
  • BT78 4HR Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.693487, -7.465151
  • BT78 4HS Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.695136, -7.464136
  • BT78 4HU Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.708035, -7.419194
  • BT78 4HW Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.667102, -7.470844
  • BT78 4HX Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.713833, -7.387195
  • BT78 4HY Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.704507, -7.404942
  • BT78 4HZ Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.712013, -7.377401
  • BT78 4JA Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.702232, -7.370617
  • BT78 4JD Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.707905, -7.364727
  • BT78 4JE Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.715572, -7.370643
  • BT78 4JF Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.711207, -7.360611
  • BT78 4JH Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.700662, -7.383391
  • BT78 4JJ Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.667244, -7.502195
  • BT78 4JL Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.731035, -7.454768
  • BT78 4JN Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.714332, -7.384658
  • BT78 4JP Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.714221, -7.385792
  • BT78 4JS Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.715650, -7.377143
  • BT78 4JT Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.716137, -7.370448
  • BT78 4JW Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.714469, -7.376199
  • BT78 4JY Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.721391, -7.387887
  • BT78 4JZ Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.731345, -7.419015
  • BT78 4LA Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.730514, -7.437064
  • BT78 4LB Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.725087, -7.415923
  • BT78 4LD Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.732197, -7.430133
  • BT78 4LE Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.725593, -7.435534
  • BT78 4LF Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.722670, -7.425192
  • BT78 4LG Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.724375, -7.447889
  • BT78 4LH Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.731710, -7.457041
  • BT78 4LJ Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.731275, -7.454082
  • BT78 4LL Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.732620, -7.457556
  • BT78 4LN Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.731962, -7.459024
  • BT78 4LQ Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.714072, -7.430620
  • BT78 4LT Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.722605, -7.474094
  • BT78 4LU Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.723046, -7.482702
  • BT78 4LW Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.715891, -7.471233
  • BT78 4LX Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.715599, -7.482626
  • BT78 4LY Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.715737, -7.494184
  • BT78 4LZ Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.707450, -7.471901
  • BT78 4NA Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.715728, -7.448845
  • BT78 4NB Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.711115, -7.441957
  • BT78 4NU Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.668701, -7.483378
  • BT78 4NX Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.667627, -7.484337
  • BT78 4PS Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.651287, -7.521430
  • BT78 4PT Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.656708, -7.543476
  • BT78 4PU Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.652517, -7.521276
  • BT78 4PZ Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.645907, -7.535496
  • BT78 4TB Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.656377, -7.456760
  • BT78 4TD Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.655551, -7.458848
  • BT78 4TE Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.657766, -7.466147
  • BT78 4TF Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.658821, -7.477506
  • BT78 4TG Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.663284, -7.450656
  • BT78 4TH Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.663822, -7.442528
  • BT78 4TQ Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.660114, -7.446995
  • BT78 4UG Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.656141, -7.442556
  • BT81 7NL Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.694777, -7.533759
  • BT81 7NN Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.706667, -7.530489
  • BT81 7NP Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.703808, -7.516204
  • BT81 7NR Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.706677, -7.512540
  • BT81 7NT Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.706522, -7.512061
  • BT81 7NU Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.708963, -7.506943
  • BT81 7NW Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.709117, -7.525248
  • BT81 7NX Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.704935, -7.497281
  • BT81 7NY Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.700156, -7.495153
  • BT81 7NZ Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.691741, -7.502190
  • BT81 7PA Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.697469, -7.484346
  • BT81 7PD Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.687741, -7.492904
  • BT81 7PE Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.689724, -7.512170
  • BT81 7PF Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.696767, -7.516552
  • BT81 7PG Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.697206, -7.523076
  • BT81 7PH Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.683863, -7.515543
  • BT81 7PJ Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.677673, -7.506517
  • BT81 7PL Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.673741, -7.494071
  • BT81 7PN Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.670679, -7.514010
  • BT81 7PQ Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.681569, -7.521415
  • BT81 7PW Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.683674, -7.536057
  • BT81 7RB Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.671018, -7.555529
  • BT81 7RD Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.667069, -7.554007
  • BT81 7RH Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.677242, -7.552903
  • BT81 7RT Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.677354, -7.525650
  • BT82 9LJ Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.719692, -7.539758
  • BT82 9LP Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.720709, -7.528542
  • BT82 9LS Newtownstewart
    Newtownstewart, Derry City and Strabane, Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland GPS: 54.713879, -7.516565
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