St Cuthbert's Avenue Postcode

St Cuthbert's Avenue < Horsley Hill < South Tyneside < Tyne and Wear < England < United Kingdom

Explore St Cuthbert's Avenue Postal Codes

St Cuthbert's Avenue is a locality in United Kingdom.
There are 2 postal codes in St Cuthbert's Avenue.

Postal Codes for St Cuthbert's Avenue:

  • NE34 6JZ St Cuthbert's Avenue
    Horsley Hill, South Tyneside, Tyne and Wear, England GPS: 54.982570, -1.402621
  • NE34 7LN St Cuthbert's Avenue
    Horsley Hill, South Tyneside, Tyne and Wear, England GPS: 54.983248, -1.401780
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