Virton is a region in Belgium.
Virton has a total number of 9 provinces.
There are 233 postal codes available in Virton.
Click on the Province in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Virton.
Virton has a total number of 9 provinces.
There are 233 postal codes available in Virton.
Click on the Province in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Virton.
Province | Latitude | Longitude |
Bleid | 49.550874 | 5.429254 |
Ethe | 49.582534 | 5.579994 |
Gomery | 49.561175 | 5.594463 |
Latour | 49.557816 | 5.558018 |
Ruette | 49.520675 | 5.403593 |
Saint-Mard | 49.550962 | 5.465774 |
Saint-Remy | 49.539863 | 5.621730 |
Signeulx | 49.550565 | 5.625300 |
Virton | 49.555579 | 5.372689 |