Pembroke Postcode

Pembroke < Bermuda

Explore Postal Codes in Pembroke

Pembroke is a parish in Bermuda.
There are 336 postal codes available in Pembroke.
Postal Code Locality Suburb Latitude Longitude
HM 02Abri Lane32.303019-64.808307
HM 07Addendum Lane32.299353-64.796665
HM 01Admiralty Lane32.306063-64.806382
HM 05Agar's Hill32.294444-64.804826
HM 05Agar's Island32.293996-64.809216
HM 09Amaral Lane32.302593-64.789732
HM 02Arlington Avenue32.305112-64.806495
HM 07Astwood Close32.299341-64.789662
HM 07Bakery Lane32.299647-64.795362
HM 14Band Room Lane32.305670-64.778232
HM 02Bean Dale32.305249-64.807487
HM 13Berkeley Mews32.304620-64.792640
HM 09Berkeley Road (15 - 23 )32.302868-64.792377
HM 07Berkeley Road (2 - 46)32.302868-64.792377
HM 13Berkeley Road (3 - 9 )32.302868-64.792377
HM 08Bermudiana Road0.0000000.000000
HM 06Between The Walls32.293899-64.793672
HM 15Bishop Spencer Road32.302945-64.777710
HM 01Bluck Point Road32.301943-64.811536
HM 09Bluff Lane32.302732-64.790425
HM 16Border Lane West32.303545-64.774604
HM 01Boss's Cove Road32.303649-64.810072
HM 01Boss's Island0.0000000.000000
HM 07Braithwaite Lane32.301351-64.794750
HM 05Brightbank Lane32.298248-64.804438
HM 02Canal Lane32.300445-64.798398
HM 09Canal Road32.299263-64.785508
HM 06Caps Lane32.294690-64.796371
HM 05Cat Island32.299420-64.809363
HM 19Cavendish Road (1 - 17 )32.294138-64.774518
HM 20Cavendish Road (19 )32.294138-64.774518
HM 19Cavendish Road (2 - 28 )32.294138-64.774518
HM 09Cedar Avenue (1 - 3 )32.298367-64.785014
HM 09Cedar Avenue (2 - 4)32.298367-64.785014
HM 07Cemetery Lane32.299102-64.790647
HM 07Cemetery Road32.298607-64.793070
HM 16Chapel Lane32.304968-64.777142
HM 02Cheriton Lane (1 - 11)32.305049-64.808351
HM 01Cheriton Lane (2 - 26)32.305049-64.808351
HM 18Cherry Hill32.297923-64.774318
HM 14Church Lane32.306464-64.776480
HM 01Clarence Dale Drive32.307038-64.807545
HM 01Clarence Dale Road32.306788-64.807412
HM 14Clarke's Lane32.305183-64.781334
HM 02Controversy Lane32.301727-64.803862
HM 01Cove Point Lane32.306720-64.812616
HM 03Cox's Drive32.301836-64.800209
HM 04Cox's Hill Road32.300876-64.797600
HM 02Cox's Lane32.301466-64.802086
HM 14Crane Lane32.305563-64.780138
HM 02Creek View Lane32.301703-64.802510
HM 01Crestwood Drive32.304341-64.815425
HM 20Crisson Avenue (1 - 17)32.296397-64.774365
HM 19Crisson Avenue (2 - 14)32.296397-64.774365
HM 15Crossland Lane32.300128-64.773670
HM 19Crow Lane (1 - 25)32.293585-64.776005
HM 19Crow Lane (4 - 42)32.293585-64.776005
HM 17Curving Avenue (1 - 35)32.297525-64.776971
HM 19Curving Avenue (2 - 48)32.297525-64.776971
HM 18Curving Avenue (49 )32.297525-64.776971
HM 19Curving Court32.296911-64.777773
HM 03Deep Bay Lane32.305075-64.802500
HM 18Deepdale Road East32.298746-64.772984
HM 18Deepdale Road West32.298454-64.773491
HM 05Deepwood Drive32.296187-64.801126
HM 07Desilva Close32.298396-64.789552
HM 01Doubloon Lane32.305915-64.810649
HM 04Douglas Heights32.301269-64.796790
HM 07Dunscombe Lane32.304540-64.793242
HM 09Dutton Ave32.300716-64.783416
HM 14East Gate Lane32.304306-64.780744
HM 07East Park Lane32.303828-64.795001
HM 15Edgeway Lane32.302390-64.776699
HM 19Elizabeth Hills Park32.295361-64.776009
HM 19Elizabeth Hills Road32.295827-64.775193
HM 09Euclid Avenue32.300205-64.788201
HM 07Eves Hill Lane0.0000000.000000
HM 14Factory Lane32.303836-64.780938
HM 05Fairpoint Gardens32.297818-64.798228
HM 05Fairyland Lane32.297564-64.799858
HM 06Fairyland Road (1 - 9)32.297123-64.798645
HM 05Fairyland Road (2 - 18 )32.297123-64.798645
HM 17Fentons Drive32.298506-64.776926
HM 08Ferrars Close32.296765-64.792441
HM 08Ferrars Lane32.296281-64.791735
HM 18Field View Lane (1 - 17)32.298843-64.774998
HM 19Field View Lane (1 - 5)32.298843-64.774998
HM 20Field View Lane (10 - 34 )32.298843-64.774998
HM 18Field View Lane (2 - 18)32.298843-64.774998
HM 19Field View Lane (4 - 6)32.298843-64.774998
HM 20Field View Lane (7 - 23)32.298843-64.774998
HM 19First Avenue (1 - 8)32.295545-64.771453
HM 20First Avenue (10 - 34)32.295545-64.771453
HM 20First Avenue (7)32.295545-64.771453
HM 14First Church Lane32.305579-64.781020
HM 01Flat Rock Close32.306582-64.811392
HM 01Flat Rock Lane32.307006-64.811566
HM 14Footbridge Lane32.303995-64.778309
HM 14Footpath Lane32.304965-64.780085
HM 19Fort Hamilton Drive32.294629-64.776386
HM 20Fourth Avenue (1 - 7 )32.297233-64.772038
HM 20Fourth Avenue (2 - 8 )32.297233-64.772038
HM 16Friswells Lane32.303149-64.774987
HM 16Friswells Road (1 - 35 )32.301280-64.773567
HM 15Friswells Road (2 - 52 )32.301280-64.773567
HM 13Fruitland Lane32.303688-64.789389
HM 05Goat Island32.296374-64.806923
HM 08Gorham Road32.292936-64.788636
HM 14Gospel Lane32.303657-64.779262
HM 14Grace Lane32.306568-64.775876
HM 05Grasmere Road32.300138-64.806282
HM 01Green Bay Lane32.302823-64.811987
HM 19Grosvenor Court32.294602-64.775267
HM 06Halcyon Lane32.292346-64.796308
HM 13Hallett Crescent32.303481-64.788312
HM 19Happy Valley Lane32.296697-64.775932
HM 18Happy Valley Road (19 - 45 )32.297376-64.773900
HM 19Happy Valley Road (2 - 28 )32.297376-64.773900
HM 20Happy Valley Road (36 - 50 )32.297376-64.773900
HM 19Happy Valley Road (5 - 17 )32.297376-64.773900
HM 05Hastings Road32.293548-64.802352
HM 20Hibiscus Lane (6 - 8)32.294781-64.774260
HM 19Hibiscus Lane (7)32.294781-64.774260
HM 06Hidden Lane32.296206-64.797636
HM 01High Point Road (1 - 23)32.303454-64.808866
HM 02High Point Road (31)32.303454-64.808866
HM 01High Point Road (6 - 8)32.303454-64.808866
HM 02Hill Crescent32.303836-64.807076
HM 20Hillsdale Avenue32.296484-64.773613
HM 07Hurst Crescent32.299434-64.796222
HM 04Inghams Drive0.0000000.000000
HM 04Inghams Vale0.0000000.000000
HM 03Inland Lane32.302365-64.801854
HM 18Jacobs Lane32.299194-64.774904
HM 13Juniper Hill Drive32.301882-64.788227
HM 05Keybay Lane32.295603-64.804175
HM 19King Street (25 - 43)0.0000000.000000
HM 17King Street (7 - 15)0.0000000.000000
HM 19Kings Court32.296773-64.778730
HM 04Kings Gate Lane0.0000000.000000
HM 19Lane Hill32.294093-64.773675
HM 09Langton Hill (14 )32.302737-64.785902
HM 13Langton Hill (3 - 15)32.302737-64.785902
HM 13Langton Lane32.303644-64.785669
HM 05Leeside Drive32.292833-64.802781
HM 09Lismore Lane32.302466-64.789891
HM 05Lone Palm Drive32.293648-64.805556
HM 01Long Lane32.306088-64.811892
HM 05Lulworth Lane32.292922-64.805652
HM 02Mariners Lane32.304351-64.806220
HM 07Market Lane32.298267-64.794853
HM 13Marsh Folly Road (1)32.302339-64.783812
HM 13Marsh Folly Road (2 )32.302339-64.783812
HM 14Marsh Folly Road (22 - 30 )32.302339-64.783812
HM 15Marsh Folly Road (6 - 20 )32.302339-64.783812
HM 14Marsh Folly Road (7 - 27 )32.302339-64.783812
HM 05Miamba Lane32.293618-64.801655
HM 07Middle Park Lane32.302981-64.795019
HM 15Middle Terrace32.301759-64.774475
HM 17Middle Town Drive32.297509-64.778714
HM 17Middle Town Lane32.298185-64.778751
HM 17Middle Town Road32.297930-64.778702
HM 07Midsea Lane32.297199-64.790307
HM 05Mill Creek Lane32.299817-64.800335
HM 05Mill Creek Road (1 - 19 )32.299856-64.799507
HM 02Mill Creek Road (4 - 16 )32.299856-64.799507
HM 05Mill Point Lane32.299786-64.803099
HM 05Mill Point Road32.299827-64.801799
HM 05Mill Reach Lane32.298832-64.799722
HM 05Mill Reach Road32.298311-64.798945
HM 05Mill Shares Road32.298281-64.804045
HM 14Mission Lane32.304784-64.778943
HM 03Moores Lane32.302726-64.802779
HM 01Moorings Cove32.303119-64.810016
HM 13Mount Hill (1 - 27)32.302940-64.789725
HM 09Mount Hill (2 - 44)32.302940-64.789725
HM 13Mount Hill Mews32.303361-64.790110
HM 13Mount Langton Cresent0.0000000.000000
HM 04Mount View Road (2 - 30)32.302925-64.800271
HM 04Mount View Road (25 - 37)32.302925-64.800271
HM 03Mount View Road (7 - 11)32.302925-64.800271
HM 15New Park Road0.0000000.000000
HM 01Newman Lane32.306598-64.808569
HM 01North Cote Close32.305284-64.809604
HM 01North Cote Road32.305297-64.809970
HM 01North Cote West32.304542-64.810956
HM 04North Court Avenue32.304256-64.798834
HM 15North Hill32.302304-64.775942
HM 03North Shore Road (1 - 13)32.305610-64.785546
HM 14North Shore Road (100 - 162)32.305610-64.785546
HM 14North Shore Road (105 - 171)32.305610-64.785546
HM 04North Shore Road (15 - 27)32.305610-64.785546
HM 04North Shore Road (24 - 34)32.305610-64.785546
HM 07North Shore Road (31 - 57)32.305610-64.785546
HM 07North Shore Road (36 - 56)32.305610-64.785546
HM 03North Shore Road (4 - 18)32.305610-64.785546
HM 13North Shore Road (59 - 99)32.305610-64.785546
HM 13North Shore Road (60 - 96)32.305610-64.785546
HM 17North Street0.0000000.000000
HM 15North Terrace32.302281-64.774868
HM 07Northlands Lane32.303586-64.792899
HM 13Ocean Lane32.304346-64.786767
HM 01Old House Lane32.305905-64.812168
HM 06Old Rectory Lane32.295048-64.795482
HM 06Old Slip Lane32.291981-64.795664
HM 16Orchard Grove32.304469-64.775316
HM 16Orchard Lane32.304009-64.777039
HM 05Overock Drive32.293606-64.802955
HM 05Overock Hill32.293521-64.803722
HM 13Overview Hill32.304275-64.790849
HM 14Palmetto Road (1 - 7 )32.303915-64.774725
HM 16Palmetto Road (17 - 21 )32.303915-64.774725
HM 15Palmetto Road (2 - 4 )32.303915-64.774725
HM 17Parsons Road (1)32.299206-64.777778
HM 15Parsons Road (31 - 55 )32.299206-64.777778
HM 18Parsons Road (38 - 56 )32.299206-64.777778
HM 17Parsons Road (8 - 28)32.299206-64.777778
HM 05Partridge Island 32.298312-64.809017
HM 15Peat Lane32.300052-64.774220
HM 07Pembroke Park Lane32.301809-64.795393
HM 15Perimeter Lane32.302665-64.778401
HM 01Phillips Cove Glen32.306472-64.810481
HM 01Phillips Cove Lane32.306510-64.810137
HM 01Pigeon Rock Drive32.306724-64.812342
HM 01Pigeon Rock Lane32.306844-64.812177
HM 08Pine Hill Drive32.295837-64.791538
HM 06Pitts Bay Road (16 - 74)32.294490-64.796102
HM 06Pitts Bay Road (17 - 57)32.294490-64.796102
HM 07Pitts Bay Road (3 - 15)32.294490-64.796102
HM 08Pitts Bay Road (61 - 75)32.294490-64.796102
HM 08Pitts Bay Road (76 - 112)32.294490-64.796102
HM 05Pitts Bay Road (8 - 12)32.294490-64.796102
HM 01Plaice's Point Road32.304390-64.815858
HM 05Point Shares Road (11 - 23 )32.293882-64.804049
HM 06Point Shares Road (3 - 9 )32.293882-64.804049
HM 05Point Shares Road (4 - 28 )32.293882-64.804049
HM 04Princess Estate Road32.303385-64.797054
HM 05Queen's Cove32.299823-64.805766
HM 16Railway Terrace32.303826-64.775021
HM 16Railway Terrace West32.303461-64.776546
HM 17Rambling Lane32.298390-64.777668
HM 08Richmond Road32.294646-64.790428
HM 07Ridgeway Road32.304234-64.794307
HM 13Robin Hood Drive32.302640-64.786997
HM 06Rockville Close32.297566-64.795038
HM 06Rockville Lane32.296938-64.794705
HM 08Rosemont Avenue (1 - 47)32.294369-64.792583
HM 06Rosemont Avenue (2 - 54)32.294369-64.792583
HM 06Roxdene Lane32.292975-64.794954
HM 06Saltus Island32.290927-64.800243
HM 06Sanz Close32.296915-64.794417
HM 07School Lands Lane32.301185-64.794637
HM 01Seagull Lane32.306564-64.809034
HM 19Second Avenue (1 - 13 )32.295458-64.773847
HM 20Second Avenue (10 - 16 )32.295458-64.773847
HM 20Second Avenue (15 - 17 )32.295458-64.773847
HM 19Second Avenue (2 - 6 )32.295458-64.773847
HM 20Second Avenue West0.0000000.000000
HM 16Secret Lane32.305530-64.775785
HM 07Serpentine Road (3 - 31)32.297218-64.791201
HM 08Serpentine Road (38 - 36)32.297218-64.791201
HM 06Serpentine Road (8 - 36)32.297218-64.791201
HM 08Sharon Lane32.292460-64.790043
HM 01Shaw Wood Crescent32.304538-64.812978
HM 01Shaw Wood Road32.303723-64.813254
HM 20Shelton Road32.296134-64.772206
HM 15South Terrace32.301236-64.774190
HM 01Spanish Point Road (1 - 37 )32.305484-64.815793
HM 01Spanish Point Road (2 - 54 )32.305484-64.815793
HM 02Spanish Point Road (60 - 80 )32.305484-64.815793
HM 14Spruce Lane32.305116-64.778843
HM 18St. Augustine Lane32.298426-64.775693
HM 18St. Augustine Road (1 - 23)32.298759-64.776076
HM 17St. Augustine Road (8 - 18)32.298759-64.776076
HM 02St. John's Hill32.304217-64.807983
HM 09St. John's Lane32.300966-64.790818
HM 03St. John's Road (1 - 31)32.299602-64.786532
HM 13St. John's Road (127)32.299602-64.786532
HM 02St. John's Road (2 - 46)32.299602-64.786532
HM 04St. John's Road (35 - 61)32.299602-64.786532
HM 07St. John's Road (48 - 62)32.299602-64.786532
HM 07St. John's Road (67 - 87)32.299602-64.786532
HM 09St. John's Road (80 - 112)32.299602-64.786532
HM 09St. John's Road (91 - 125)32.299602-64.786532
HM 14St. Monica's Road32.304287-64.779530
HM 13Stepney Lane32.304828-64.789736
HM 05Stipple Island32.296291-64.805678
HM 01Stormalong Lane32.305940-64.810425
HM 01Stovell Bay Road32.305434-64.812460
HM 04Stowe Court32.301719-64.797653
HM 01Sugar Apple Lane32.306727-64.810976
HM 03Sunset Close32.304761-64.801951
HM 03Sunset Lane32.304096-64.801407
HM 03Sunset Mews32.303822-64.801294
HM 03Sunset Pass32.303672-64.800848
HM 03Sunset Strip32.303112-64.801071
HM 03Sunset View Road32.301968-64.801300
HM 13Swansbay Hill32.304120-64.791673
HM 04Tablerock Avenue32.304071-64.798074
HM 03Tatem Lane32.304928-64.803103
HM 03Tatems Hill32.304112-64.803284
HM 15The Glebe Road (2 - 20 )32.305727-64.776195
HM 16The Glebe Road (22 - 72 )32.305727-64.776195
HM 14The Glebe Road (27 - 75 )32.305727-64.776195
HM 15The Glebe Road (5 - 25 )32.305727-64.776195
HM 04Thickett Lane0.0000000.000000
HM 20Third Avenue (1 - 6)32.296627-64.772001
HM 06Timber Lane32.295442-64.799435
HM 02Travellers Lane32.301016-64.799714
HM 06Trelawney Lane32.297513-64.796058
HM 19Tribe Road #132.296206-64.777236
HM 07Tribe Road #232.296928-64.776585
HM 02Tulo Lane32.302892-64.805369
HM 06Turnstile Lane32.293973-64.795229
HM 09Twin Lane Drive32.302572-64.791020
HM 09Twin Lane Place32.302187-64.791356
HM 17Two Way Lane32.298932-64.778421
HM 17Two Way Mews32.298427-64.779003
HM 09Underhill Crescent32.301378-64.788731
HM 09Underhill Lane32.301471-64.789292
HM 06Uppington Crescent32.297137-64.794418
HM 04Vale Close32.303804-64.799443
HM 02Valley View Lane32.304894-64.805478
HM 13Vaucrossons Crescent32.304432-64.790469
HM 06Warehouse Lane32.297626-64.793972
HM 08Waterloo Lane32.290324-64.790939
HM 07West Park Lane32.303905-64.795980
HM 13Whitney Avenue32.304762-64.787158
HM 13Whitney Avenue West32.304490-64.788538
HM 05Windermere32.298755-64.802956
HM 06Windwood Crescent32.294006-64.796469
HM 06Windwood Drive32.293162-64.797143
HM 08Woodbourne Avenue32.292287-64.789217
HM 08Woodbourne Crescent32.293485-64.790161
HM 09Woodlands Road (1 - 13)32.298464-64.789055
HM 07Woodlands Road (2 - 24 )32.298464-64.789055
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