Hlybokaye Raion Postal Code

Hlybokaye Raion < Vitebsk Province < Belarus

Explore Postal Codes in Hlybokaye Raion

Hlybokaye Raion is a district in Belarus.
Hlybokaye Raion has a total number of 14 towns.
There are 412 postal codes available in Hlybokaye Raion.
Click on the Town in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Hlybokaye Raion.
Town Latitude Longitude
Glubokskiy council55.15025327.962083
Golubichskiy council55.12097327.929754
Korobovskiy council55.10070527.521343
Lomashevskiy council55.32058628.291428
Obrubskiy council55.11914427.736448
Ozereckiy council55.18969827.725258
Plisskiy council55.25324227.989712
Podsvilskiy council55.15620227.972513
Prozorokskiy council55.30938728.096460
Psuevskiy council55.18926628.169050
Udelovskiy council55.19651327.538169
Uzrechskiy council55.24988327.617267
Zalesskiy council55.28865427.709725
Zyabkovskiy council55.24728528.113438
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