Созопол is a municipality in Bulgaria.
Созопол has a total number of 9 settlements.
There are 13 postal codes available in Созопол.
Click on the Settlement in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Созопол.
Созопол has a total number of 9 settlements.
There are 13 postal codes available in Созопол.
Click on the Settlement in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Созопол.
Settlement | Latitude | Longitude |
Атия | 42.310000 | 27.559999 |
Габър | 42.316699 | 27.350000 |
Зидарово | 42.333300 | 27.399999 |
Извор | 42.350000 | 27.449999 |
Крушевец | 42.266700 | 27.483299 |
Равадиново | 42.383299 | 27.666699 |
Равна гора | 42.366700 | 27.550000 |
Росен | 42.433300 | 27.416699 |
Черноморец | 42.450000 | 27.649999 |