甘孜藏族自治州 is a prefecture in China.
甘孜藏族自治州 has a total number of 17 countys.
There are 92 postal codes available in 甘孜藏族自治州.
Click on the County in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 甘孜藏族自治州.
甘孜藏族自治州 has a total number of 17 countys.
There are 92 postal codes available in 甘孜藏族自治州.
Click on the County in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 甘孜藏族自治州.
County | Latitude | Longitude |
丹巴县 | 30.946337 | 101.751340 |
九龙县 | 28.811055 | 101.803391 |
乡城县 | 29.003285 | 99.771492 |
巴塘县 | 29.854011 | 99.258232 |
得荣县 | 28.670386 | 99.319649 |
德格县 | 31.966224 | 98.931284 |
新龙县 | 30.834564 | 100.286681 |
泸定县 | 29.842518 | 102.193226 |
炉霍县 | 31.460375 | 100.718910 |
理塘县 | 29.945700 | 100.325945 |
甘孜县 | 31.780813 | 99.929963 |
白玉县 | 31.101537 | 99.140073 |
石渠县 | 32.834098 | 98.214694 |
稻城县 | 28.749750 | 100.229924 |
色达县 | 32.134473 | 100.424751 |
道孚县 | 30.846303 | 101.196960 |
雅江县 | 29.979381 | 100.999283 |