吕梁市 is a prefecture in China.
吕梁市 has a total number of 13 countys.
There are 129 postal codes available in 吕梁市.
Click on the County in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 吕梁市.
吕梁市 has a total number of 13 countys.
There are 129 postal codes available in 吕梁市.
Click on the County in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 吕梁市.
County | Latitude | Longitude |
中阳县 | 37.297047 | 111.150912 |
临县 | 37.895671 | 110.905790 |
交口县 | 36.944312 | 111.352059 |
交城县 | 37.613617 | 111.952355 |
兴县 | 38.411361 | 111.055612 |
孝义市 | 37.106375 | 111.632775 |
岚县 | 38.360270 | 111.621750 |
文水县 | 37.423787 | 112.090133 |
方山县 | 37.839302 | 111.275047 |
柳林县 | 37.400849 | 110.865228 |
汾阳市 | 37.283247 | 111.795364 |
石楼县 | 37.063312 | 110.735105 |
离石区 | 37.518636 | 111.144315 |