Cotacachi is a canton in Ecuador.
Cotacachi has a total number of 9 parishs.
There are 279 postal codes available in Cotacachi.
Click on the Parish in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Cotacachi.
Cotacachi has a total number of 9 parishs.
There are 279 postal codes available in Cotacachi.
Click on the Parish in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Cotacachi.
Parish | Latitude | Longitude |
6 de Julio de Cuellaje (Cab. en Cuellaje) | 0.446046 | -78.519782 |
Apuela | 0.420971 | -78.438616 |
Cotacachi | 0.313363 | -78.294612 |
Garcia Moreno (Llurimagua) | 0.252580 | -78.647350 |
Imantag | 0.448183 | -78.347580 |
Peñaherrera | 0.340644 | -78.571751 |
Plaza Gutierrez (Calvario) | 0.349439 | -78.458115 |
Quiroga | 0.290132 | -78.360725 |
Vacas Galindo (El Churo) (Cab. en San Miguel Alto) | 0.311626 | -78.545632 |