Otavalo is a canton in Ecuador.
Otavalo has a total number of 10 parishs.
There are 186 postal codes available in Otavalo.
Click on the Parish in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Otavalo.
Otavalo has a total number of 10 parishs.
There are 186 postal codes available in Otavalo.
Click on the Parish in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Otavalo.
Parish | Latitude | Longitude |
Doctor Miguel Egas Cabezas (Peguche) | 0.247529 | -78.249597 |
Eugenio Espejo (Calpaqui) | 0.199911 | -78.250803 |
Gonzalez Suarez | 0.154708 | -78.214008 |
Otavalo | 0.223590 | -78.269226 |
Pataqui | 0.173835 | -78.366817 |
San Jose de Quichinche | 0.247690 | -78.334087 |
San Juan de Iluman | 0.272878 | -78.223516 |
San Pablo | 0.206228 | -78.174790 |
San Rafael | 0.182202 | -78.235417 |
Selva Alegre (Cab. en San Miguel de Pamplona) | 0.259502 | -78.516839 |