Мaчвaнсkи is a municipality in Serbia.
Мaчвaнсkи has a total number of 8 citys.
There are 225 postal codes available in Мaчвaнсkи.
Click on the City in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Мaчвaнсkи.
Мaчвaнсkи has a total number of 8 citys.
There are 225 postal codes available in Мaчвaнсkи.
Click on the City in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Мaчвaнсkи.
City | Latitude | Longitude |
Koceљeвa | 44.257042 | 19.965098 |
Kрuпaнj | 44.365894 | 19.448381 |
Љuбoвиja | 44.069875 | 19.536192 |
Бoгaтић | 44.687060 | 19.890717 |
Влaдимирcи | 44.425889 | 19.966667 |
Лoзниca | 42.572005 | 22.418481 |
Мaли Звoрниk | 44.132105 | 19.400045 |
Шaбac | 43.680246 | 21.052735 |