Рaшkи is a municipality in Serbia.
Рaшkи has a total number of 5 citys.
There are 330 postal codes available in Рaшkи.
Click on the City in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Рaшkи.
Рaшkи has a total number of 5 citys.
There are 330 postal codes available in Рaшkи.
Click on the City in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Рaшkи.
City | Latitude | Longitude |
Kрaљeвo | 43.396670 | 21.892312 |
Врнjaчka Бaнja | 43.536923 | 20.852051 |
Нoви Пaзaр | 43.170558 | 20.536509 |
Рaшka | 43.276412 | 20.692452 |
Тuтин | 43.090096 | 20.382698 |