합천군 is a city in South Korea.
합천군 has a total number of 17 districts.
There are 903 postal codes available in 합천군.
Click on the District in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 합천군.
합천군 has a total number of 17 districts.
There are 903 postal codes available in 합천군.
Click on the District in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 합천군.
District | Latitude | Longitude |
가야면 | 35.749243 | 128.113275 |
가회면 | 35.455607 | 128.028515 |
대병면 | 35.523846 | 128.022462 |
대양면 | 35.515682 | 128.186152 |
덕곡면 | 35.629664 | 128.329007 |
묘산면 | 35.657381 | 128.121251 |
봉산면 | 35.609100 | 128.037976 |
삼가면 | 35.413632 | 128.117170 |
쌍백면 | 35.448120 | 128.157197 |
쌍책면 | 35.599940 | 128.271558 |
야로면 | 35.715668 | 128.162122 |
용주면 | 35.541425 | 128.098028 |
율곡면 | 35.592183 | 128.212738 |
적중면 | 35.544947 | 128.279966 |
청덕면 | 35.558383 | 128.331579 |
초계면 | 35.549342 | 128.255998 |
합천읍 | 35.580194 | 128.150401 |