서천군 is a city in South Korea.
서천군 has a total number of 13 districts.
There are 1,365 postal codes available in 서천군.
Click on the District in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 서천군.
서천군 has a total number of 13 districts.
There are 1,365 postal codes available in 서천군.
Click on the District in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in 서천군.
District | Latitude | Longitude |
기산면 | 36.078902 | 126.756816 |
마산면 | 36.135036 | 126.792722 |
마서면 | 36.050691 | 126.691276 |
문산면 | 36.143227 | 126.743342 |
비인면 | 36.138979 | 126.605749 |
서면 | 36.156075 | 126.545779 |
서천읍 | 36.084334 | 126.697808 |
시초면 | 36.120069 | 126.749602 |
장항읍 | 36.017932 | 126.692845 |
종천면 | 36.112331 | 126.661932 |
판교면 | 36.153710 | 126.686142 |
한산면 | 36.089311 | 126.814497 |
화양면 | 36.050137 | 126.777964 |