Crato Postal Code

Crato < Cariri < Ceará < Brazil

Explore Postal Codes in Crato

Crato is a district in Brazil.
Crato has a total number of 9 neighborhoods.
There are 1,016 postal codes available in Crato.
Click on the Neighborhood in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Crato.
Neighborhood Latitude Longitude
Baixio das Palmeiras-7.289768-39.481109
Bela Vista-7.289768-39.481109
Campo Alegre-7.289768-39.481109
Dom Quintino-7.041137-39.472106
Monte Alverne-7.289768-39.481109
Ponta da Serra-7.099052-39.406391
Santa Fé-7.152722-39.524560
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