Crato is a district in Brazil.
Crato has a total number of 9 neighborhoods.
There are 1,016 postal codes available in Crato.
Click on the Neighborhood in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Crato.
Crato has a total number of 9 neighborhoods.
There are 1,016 postal codes available in Crato.
Click on the Neighborhood in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Crato.
Neighborhood | Latitude | Longitude |
Baixio das Palmeiras | -7.289768 | -39.481109 |
Bela Vista | -7.289768 | -39.481109 |
Belmonte | -7.343760 | -39.449881 |
Campo Alegre | -7.289768 | -39.481109 |
Crato | -7.229750 | -39.427353 |
Dom Quintino | -7.041137 | -39.472106 |
Monte Alverne | -7.289768 | -39.481109 |
Ponta da Serra | -7.099052 | -39.406391 |
Santa Fé | -7.152722 | -39.524560 |