Irauçuba is a district in Brazil.
Irauçuba has a total number of 4 neighborhoods.
There are 5 postal codes available in Irauçuba.
Click on the Neighborhood in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Irauçuba.
Irauçuba has a total number of 4 neighborhoods.
There are 5 postal codes available in Irauçuba.
Click on the Neighborhood in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Irauçuba.
Neighborhood | Latitude | Longitude |
Boa Vista do Caxitoré | -3.929585 | -39.719629 |
Irauçuba | -3.747604 | -39.784241 |
Juá | -3.897971 | -39.870073 |
Missi | -3.622443 | -39.821936 |