Mauriti is a district in Brazil.
Mauriti has a total number of 8 neighborhoods.
There are 10 postal codes available in Mauriti.
Click on the Neighborhood in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Mauriti.
Mauriti has a total number of 8 neighborhoods.
There are 10 postal codes available in Mauriti.
Click on the Neighborhood in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Mauriti.
Neighborhood | Latitude | Longitude |
Anauá | -7.254942 | -38.626127 |
Buritizinho | -7.314034 | -38.780373 |
Coité | -7.389426 | -38.722475 |
Mauriti | -7.387010 | -38.773775 |
Nova Santa Cruz | -7.423247 | -38.726273 |
São Félix | -7.423247 | -38.726273 |
São Miguel | -7.423247 | -38.726273 |
Umburanas | -7.436460 | -38.709832 |