Muitos Capões is a district in Brazil.
Muitos Capões has a total number of 8 neighborhoods.
There are 9 postal codes available in Muitos Capões.
Click on the Neighborhood in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Muitos Capões.
Muitos Capões has a total number of 8 neighborhoods.
There are 9 postal codes available in Muitos Capões.
Click on the Neighborhood in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Muitos Capões.
Neighborhood | Latitude | Longitude |
Bom Retiro | -28.188647 | -51.249431 |
Capão Grande | -28.444472 | -51.194432 |
Encruzilhada São Sebastião | -28.402532 | -51.203161 |
Morro Grande | -28.402532 | -51.203161 |
Muitos Capões | -28.313183 | -51.183593 |
Santa Rita | -28.402532 | -51.203161 |
Várzea dos Antunes | -28.402532 | -51.203161 |
Vila Ituim | -28.402532 | -51.203161 |