Santarém is a district in Brazil.
Santarém has a total number of 5 neighborhoods.
There are 1,485 postal codes available in Santarém.
Click on the Neighborhood in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Santarém.
Santarém has a total number of 5 neighborhoods.
There are 1,485 postal codes available in Santarém.
Click on the Neighborhood in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Santarém.
Neighborhood | Latitude | Longitude |
Alter do Chão | -2.516084 | -54.949739 |
Boim | -3.124039 | -55.253082 |
Curuai | -2.266324 | -55.671992 |
Mujuí dos Campos | -2.669162 | -55.536186 |
Santarém | -2.449585 | -54.707282 |