Brieskow-Finkenheerd is a district in Germany.
Brieskow-Finkenheerd has a total number of 5 municipalitys.
There are 9 postal codes available in Brieskow-Finkenheerd.
Click on the Municipality in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Brieskow-Finkenheerd.
Brieskow-Finkenheerd has a total number of 5 municipalitys.
There are 9 postal codes available in Brieskow-Finkenheerd.
Click on the Municipality in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Brieskow-Finkenheerd.
Municipality | Latitude | Longitude |
Brieskow-Finkenheerd | 52.247739 | 14.577852 |
Groß Lindow | 52.240285 | 14.509477 |
Vogelsang | 52.203436 | 14.632895 |
Wiesenau | 52.235163 | 14.594980 |
Ziltendorf | 52.220462 | 14.635976 |