Bützow-Land is a district in Germany.
Bützow-Land has a total number of 48 municipalitys.
There are 65 postal codes available in Bützow-Land.
Click on the Municipality in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Bützow-Land.
Bützow-Land has a total number of 48 municipalitys.
There are 65 postal codes available in Bützow-Land.
Click on the Municipality in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Bützow-Land.
Municipality | Latitude | Longitude |
Baumgarten | 53.811134 | 11.858800 |
Bernitt | 53.897730 | 11.879396 |
Boitin | 53.754070 | 11.979913 |
Buchenhof | 53.757567 | 11.857806 |
Bützow | 53.858573 | 11.985682 |
Dreetz | 53.795312 | 11.983959 |
Eickelberg | 53.773959 | 11.819037 |
Eickhof | 53.783650 | 11.840049 |
Friedrichshof | 53.841552 | 11.929908 |
Glambeck | 53.835207 | 11.780998 |
Gnemern | 53.871009 | 11.916047 |
Göllin | 53.856021 | 11.846951 |
Groß Belitz | 53.899837 | 11.907445 |
Jabelitz | 53.847157 | 11.879795 |
Jürgenshagen | 53.916228 | 11.879299 |
Katelbogen | 53.851350 | 11.830941 |
Käterhagen | 53.865444 | 11.786973 |
Klein Belitz | 53.931359 | 11.957483 |
Klein Gischow | 53.934929 | 11.864647 |
Klein Gnemern | 53.935107 | 11.871603 |
Klein Raden | 53.766532 | 11.844518 |
Klein Sien | 53.841464 | 11.914602 |
Krugland | 53.949131 | 11.926255 |
Kurzen Trechow | 53.846652 | 11.889161 |
Laase | 53.797950 | 11.846115 |
Langen Trechow | 53.834751 | 11.893969 |
Lübzin-Rosenow | 53.754004 | 11.911341 |
Moisall | 53.888867 | 11.844046 |
Moltenow | 53.911869 | 11.814609 |
Neu Käterhagen | 53.852786 | 11.857359 |
Neuendorf | 53.837491 | 11.942019 |
Neukirchen | 53.940922 | 11.953295 |
Oettelin | 53.829593 | 12.040000 |
Penzin | 53.894259 | 11.912938 |
Qualitz | 53.814926 | 11.892555 |
Reinstorf | 53.843965 | 11.887131 |
Rühn | 53.823856 | 11.927353 |
Schlemmin | 53.834175 | 11.921056 |
Schlockow | 53.769190 | 11.895855 |
Selow | 53.892998 | 11.971992 |
Steinhagen | 53.844355 | 11.940173 |
Tarnow | 53.785538 | 12.009300 |
Ulrikenhof | 53.911139 | 11.806414 |
Viezen | 53.916068 | 11.886359 |
Warnow | 53.811046 | 11.908535 |
Wokrent | 53.968773 | 11.920532 |
Zepelin | 53.820099 | 12.007697 |
Zernin | 53.820428 | 11.947096 |