Dessau-Roßlau is a district in Germany.
Dessau-Roßlau has a total number of 24 municipalitys.
There are 32 postal codes available in Dessau-Roßlau.
Click on the Municipality in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Dessau-Roßlau.
Dessau-Roßlau has a total number of 24 municipalitys.
There are 32 postal codes available in Dessau-Roßlau.
Click on the Municipality in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Dessau-Roßlau.
Municipality | Latitude | Longitude |
Alten | 51.821009 | 12.189230 |
Brambach | 51.882192 | 12.147553 |
Großkühnau | 51.852962 | 12.178306 |
Haideburg | 51.793124 | 12.240259 |
Innenstadt | 51.839855 | 12.236946 |
Kleinkühnau | 51.840853 | 12.184894 |
Kleutsch | 51.802289 | 12.297283 |
Kochstedt | 51.802105 | 12.188471 |
Meinsdorf | 51.906470 | 12.256337 |
Mildensee | 51.822800 | 12.293718 |
Mosigkau | 51.805850 | 12.148008 |
Mühlstedt | 51.913109 | 12.267731 |
Natho | 51.941966 | 12.237171 |
Rodleben | 51.897306 | 12.202971 |
Roßlau | 51.886767 | 12.247485 |
Siedlung | 51.833740 | 12.219123 |
Sollnitz | 51.780264 | 12.308607 |
Streetz | 51.917530 | 12.230514 |
Süd | 51.835888 | 12.240281 |
Törten | 51.800824 | 12.256251 |
Waldersee | 51.847261 | 12.277926 |
West | 51.825506 | 12.222725 |
Ziebigk | 51.850134 | 12.218461 |
Zoberberg | 51.817312 | 12.189550 |