Dornburg-Camburg is a district in Germany.
Dornburg-Camburg has a total number of 13 municipalitys.
There are 37 postal codes available in Dornburg-Camburg.
Click on the Municipality in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Dornburg-Camburg.
Dornburg-Camburg has a total number of 13 municipalitys.
There are 37 postal codes available in Dornburg-Camburg.
Click on the Municipality in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Dornburg-Camburg.
Municipality | Latitude | Longitude |
Dornburg-Camburg | 51.044154 | 11.697282 |
Frauenprießnitz | 51.034851 | 11.730355 |
Golmsdorf | 50.972192 | 11.674082 |
Großlöbichau | 50.926964 | 11.690170 |
Hainichen | 50.995008 | 11.599655 |
Jenalöbnitz | 50.974685 | 11.669133 |
Lehesten | 50.982987 | 11.584850 |
Löberschütz | 50.965729 | 11.699814 |
Neuengönna | 50.981665 | 11.647640 |
Tautenburg | 50.990015 | 11.716360 |
Thierschneck | 51.032611 | 11.760719 |
Wichmar | 51.019506 | 11.660676 |
Zimmern | 51.006604 | 11.626978 |