Lörrach is a district in Germany.
Lörrach has a total number of 14 municipalitys.
There are 142 postal codes available in Lörrach.
Click on the Municipality in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Lörrach.
Lörrach has a total number of 14 municipalitys.
There are 142 postal codes available in Lörrach.
Click on the Municipality in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Lörrach.
Municipality | Latitude | Longitude |
Efringen-Kirchen | 47.674519 | 7.567892 |
Grenzach-Wyhlen | 47.551912 | 7.675950 |
Kandern | 47.709573 | 7.659975 |
Kleines Wiesental | 47.745239 | 7.788216 |
Lörrach | 47.617481 | 7.672880 |
Rheinfelden (Baden) | 47.587034 | 7.787567 |
Schliengen | 47.740253 | 7.587868 |
Schönau im Schwarzwald | 47.815336 | 7.887521 |
Schopfheim | 47.662826 | 7.842219 |
Steinen | 47.668684 | 7.744129 |
Todtnau | 47.825695 | 7.951565 |
Vorderes Kandertal | 47.643975 | 7.621901 |
Weil am Rhein | 47.605251 | 7.608076 |
Zell im Wiesental | 47.720066 | 7.865770 |