Main-Spessart is a district in Germany.
Main-Spessart has a total number of 16 municipalitys.
There are 135 postal codes available in Main-Spessart.
Click on the Municipality in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Main-Spessart.
Main-Spessart has a total number of 16 municipalitys.
There are 135 postal codes available in Main-Spessart.
Click on the Municipality in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Main-Spessart.
Municipality | Latitude | Longitude |
Arnstein | 49.985975 | 9.957047 |
Burgsinn | 50.165956 | 9.579758 |
Eußenheim | 50.004180 | 9.849705 |
Frammersbach | 50.061421 | 9.435451 |
Gemünden am Main (Gem.) | 50.075098 | 9.768275 |
Gemünden am Main (Stadt) | 50.058166 | 9.714079 |
Karlstadt | 49.968673 | 9.737872 |
Kreuzwertheim | 49.803419 | 9.505966 |
Lohr am Main (Gem.) | 49.962368 | 9.607588 |
Lohr am Main (Stadt) | 50.000139 | 9.591567 |
Marktheidenfeld (Gem.) | 49.870423 | 9.585554 |
Marktheidenfeld (Stadt) | 49.845105 | 9.568516 |
Partenstein | 50.022627 | 9.456949 |
Rieneck | 50.093683 | 9.648204 |
Triefenstein | 49.800600 | 9.604858 |
Zellingen | 49.913372 | 9.815641 |