Molfsee is a district in Germany.
Molfsee has a total number of 6 municipalitys.
There are 12 postal codes available in Molfsee.
Click on the Municipality in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Molfsee.
Molfsee has a total number of 6 municipalitys.
There are 12 postal codes available in Molfsee.
Click on the Municipality in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Molfsee.
Municipality | Latitude | Longitude |
Blumenthal | 54.234383 | 9.999896 |
Mielkendorf | 54.283539 | 10.040426 |
Molfsee | 54.275975 | 10.073088 |
Rodenbek | 54.283113 | 10.009250 |
Rumohr | 54.250940 | 10.021314 |
Schierensee | 54.259316 | 9.995711 |