Oldendorf-Himmelpforten is a district in Germany.
Oldendorf-Himmelpforten has a total number of 11 municipalitys.
There are 22 postal codes available in Oldendorf-Himmelpforten.
Click on the Municipality in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Oldendorf-Himmelpforten.
Oldendorf-Himmelpforten has a total number of 11 municipalitys.
There are 22 postal codes available in Oldendorf-Himmelpforten.
Click on the Municipality in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Oldendorf-Himmelpforten.
Municipality | Latitude | Longitude |
Am Rönndeich | 53.694059 | 9.225801 |
Burweg | 53.618418 | 9.264926 |
Düdenbüttel | 53.590931 | 9.342999 |
Engelschoff | 53.658788 | 9.312214 |
Estorf | 53.561117 | 9.192239 |
Großenwörden | 53.681725 | 9.257893 |
Hammah | 53.619406 | 9.370917 |
Heinbockel | 53.558479 | 9.320005 |
Himmelpforten | 53.616395 | 9.298927 |
Kranenburg | 53.598855 | 9.199010 |
Oldendorf | 53.594074 | 9.263032 |