Plauen is a district in Germany.
Plauen has a total number of 6 municipalitys.
There are 39 postal codes available in Plauen.
Click on the Municipality in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Plauen.
Plauen has a total number of 6 municipalitys.
There are 39 postal codes available in Plauen.
Click on the Municipality in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Plauen.
Municipality | Latitude | Longitude |
Großfriesen | 50.487233 | 12.202962 |
Jößnitz | 50.539194 | 12.135473 |
Kauschwitz | 50.524329 | 12.099687 |
Neundorf | 50.493639 | 12.088127 |
Plauen | 50.488952 | 12.142275 |
Straßberg | 50.482536 | 12.096668 |