Recknitz-Trebeltal is a district in Germany.
Recknitz-Trebeltal has a total number of 10 municipalitys.
There are 50 postal codes available in Recknitz-Trebeltal.
Click on the Municipality in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Recknitz-Trebeltal.
Recknitz-Trebeltal has a total number of 10 municipalitys.
There are 50 postal codes available in Recknitz-Trebeltal.
Click on the Municipality in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Recknitz-Trebeltal.
Municipality | Latitude | Longitude |
Bad Sülze | 54.108990 | 12.652578 |
Dettmannsdorf | 54.102607 | 12.553990 |
Deyelsdorf | 54.045345 | 12.794490 |
Drechow | 54.136335 | 12.773693 |
Eixen | 54.164096 | 12.710609 |
Grammendorf | 54.006714 | 12.846654 |
Gransebieth | 54.074867 | 12.895791 |
Hugoldsdorf | 54.139929 | 12.747026 |
Lindholz | 54.059891 | 12.692497 |
Tribsees | 54.095913 | 12.796945 |