Siegbach is a district in Germany.
Siegbach has a total number of 5 municipalitys.
There are 91 postal codes available in Siegbach.
Click on the Municipality in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Siegbach.
Siegbach has a total number of 5 municipalitys.
There are 91 postal codes available in Siegbach.
Click on the Municipality in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Siegbach.
Municipality | Latitude | Longitude |
Eisemroth | 50.734890 | 8.415940 |
Oberndorf | 50.748740 | 8.410790 |
Tringenstein | 50.760080 | 8.410580 |
Übernthal | 50.720760 | 8.425810 |
Wallenfels | 50.778210 | 8.443280 |