Maharajganj is a subdivision in India.
Maharajganj has a total number of 5 village/citys.
There are 185 postal codes available in Maharajganj.
Click on the Village/City in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Maharajganj.
Maharajganj has a total number of 5 village/citys.
There are 185 postal codes available in Maharajganj.
Click on the Village/City in the postal code table below to browse the postal codes in Maharajganj.
Village/City | Latitude | Longitude |
Farenda | 26.913767 | 83.424522 |
Maharajganj | 26.828950 | 83.551147 |
Mahrajganj | 26.869980 | 83.569521 |
Nautanwa | 27.084188 | 83.490468 |
Nichlaul | 27.023579 | 83.568971 |